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  46. 巩固/ 加强基础
  strengthen the base来源:考的美女编辑们
  Only by strengthening the base of national defense can we ensure the victory in the future regional hi-tech war.
  47. 为 •••••• 带来(开发)新财源
  bring (develop / exploit) a new source of wealth to sb. (for sb.)
  We should be frank and open, and hide nothing from each other, thus removing the sources of misunderstanding.
  48. 减缓速度
  slow the rate of doing sth.
  When it came to the key points, the teacher slowed the rate of speaking on purpose so that the students had enough time to take notes.
  49. 不赞成
  frown upon
  Most parents frown upon their children doing part-time jobs though they may benefit from it.
  50. 发起/ 开展运动
  wage (conduct / launch) a campaign
  The university has conducted a diversity of activities to enhance the students’ comprehensive qualities.
  51. 使某人转变思想,使某人接受••••••观念
  convert sb. to the idea of / that…
  The severe competition in the job market eventually converted many students to the idea that knowledge plus ability is the only way out.
  52. 达到自己的目标
  reach one’s target
  Whatever we do, we must establish such a belief: Never give up until we reach our targets.
  53. 面对弱点和长处
  confront the weaknesses and strengths
  面对彼此的弱点, 夫妻要学会宽容; 看到彼此的长处也要学会欣赏。
  Confronting each other’s weaknesses, a couple should learn how to be tolerant; and, in response to each other’s strengths, both should also learn how to be appreciative.
  54. 增强了我们的(关系等)
  enhance our (relationship等)
  Far from preventing their everyday contacts, the cultural differences enhanced their feeling of love for each other.
  55. 开诚布公
  be open with each other
  Faced with the differences of opinions, we should be open with each other rather than feel doubtful about one another.
  56. 热衷于某事
  be so involved with sth
  To our worry, many middle school students are too involved with computer games to mind their studies.
  57. 对••••••(不)抱幻想
  have / harbor (no) illusions about
  Confronted with strong resistance from all sides, she still harbored sweet illusions about this marriage, which confirms the saying “Love makes one too blind to be wise”.
  58. 对于某人意味着 ••••••
  hold… for sb
  Everyone expects a bright future, but what the future life will hold for him depends much on what he does today.
  59. 花时间去做••••••
  take the time to do sth
  To our great delight, an increasing number of parents are ready to take more time to improve their children’s mental health.
  60. 使一切问题得到解决
  make everything work out right
  The government relief can only help you tide over the most pressing need but can never make everything work out right for you.

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