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导读: 为了帮助大家顺利通过2011年6月的英语四级考试,考试大编辑从5月17日-6月10日为大家提供考前每日一练习题,希望能助大家高分通过考试!

  Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.


  62. As for an interview, the author suggests that
  A) there should be more than one interviewer in the interviewing process
  B) only the applicants' responses to questions should be noted and recorded
  C) interviewers shonld make some notes on the margins of the candidates' resumes
  D) interviewers should ask whatever questions that may help decide the perfect fit
  63. The passage is mainly about
  A) how to pre-determine questions in an interview
  B) how to respond to candidates after an interview
  C) how to arrange the interviewing process properly
  D) how to decide the best match during an interview
  64. By "waiting more than 72 hours to inform a candidate how he or she did in an interview is an eternity " in Paragraph 3, the author means
  A) it's boring for a candidate to wait more than 72 hours to know the result of an interview
  B) it's too long to keep a candidate waiting over 72 hours to know the result of the interview
  C) it's necessary for a candidate to wait 72 more hours because it takes time to make decisions
  D) it's outdated to inform the candidates the result of the interview after more than 72 hours
  65. According to the passage, time limits should be set on responses to candidates mainly because
  A) today's job market changes very rapidly
  B) candidates usually attend many interviews
  C) it helps interviewers gain the initiative to hire the perfect match
  D) candidates finds it boring to wait a long time to know the result
  66. The phrase "departure point" in Paragraph 2 refers to
  A) the conclusion point
  B) the starting point
  C) the leaving point
  D) the central point



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