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  Quesaons 61 to 65 are based on thefollowingpassage.
  In 2005,the medical examiner in Wichita,Kansas,noticed a cluster of deaths that were unusually similar in nature:in three years,sixteen men and women,between the ages of twenty-two and fifty-two,had died in their sleep.In the hours before they lost consciousness,they had been sluggish and dopey,struggling to stay awake.A few had complained of chest pain.“I can’t catch my breath,”one kept saying.
  All of them had taken painkillers prescribed by a family practice called the Schneider Medical Clinic.
  The clinic was in Haysville.a working.class suburb of Wichita.The main industries in the area were aircraft and plastics,neither of which was doing well.A mile south of the clinic,there was little except wheat fields.The chief doctor was Stephen Schneider,a fifty-one-year-old osteopath(整骨师)with sandy hair and dimples.He treated the county commissioner and the chief of police,gave physicals to the boys at the Haysville high school,and did rounds at local nursing homes.One of his patients,Jeffrey Peters,told me that Schneider reminded him of the“kind of family doctor we had forty years ago.when l was growing up—a doctor who will sit down and listen to you and ioke around and make you feel comfortable.”
  On September 13,2005,Schneider arrived at work to find the clinic cordoned(包围隔离)off with police tape.He called his wife,Linda Atterbury,a blond,peppy forty-seven-year-old nurse,who was at home with their two young daughters,and told her to come to work.Agents from the Kansas Bureau of Investigation and the Drug Enforcement Administration led Schneider into one of the clinic’s fourteen exam rooms and asked him why he had been prescribing so many opioid(鸦片类)painkillers.He responded that sixty per cent of his patients suffered from chronic pain,and few other physicians in the area would treat them.The agents wrote.“He tries to believe his patients whenthey describe their health problems and he will believe them until they prove themselves wrong.”When asked how many of his patients had died,Schneider said that he didn’t know…

61、What’s the similar nature of the 16 people’s death?
A.They were examined by the same medical examiner.
B.They were treated by the same docton
C.Thev all died in their sleep.
D.Their ages are roughly the same.
62、 What were the common symptoms they had before they died?
A.They were sluggish and dopey before losing their consciousness.
B.They had taken painkillers from the same docton
C.They got hurt in their chest.
D.They couldn’t breathe.
63、 Where did Schneider Medical Clinic locate?
A.In the center of Wichita.
B.A mile north of a large wheat field.
C.A place which did well in aircraft and plastics.
D.A rich upper-class area in Haysville.
64、 What was the family doctor like 40 years ago?
A.Serious and strict.
C.Cruel and vicious.
D.Sincere and considerate.
65、 Why was Schneider’s clinic visited by the police?
A.Because the doctor was selling opioid painkillers to the patients.
B.Because the clinic was the only one in this area.
C.Because the doctor abused his patients.
D.Because the police wanted to use the clinic as an exam place.




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