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Passage One

56. What does the latest congressional report suggest?
A) STEM-related subjects help students find jobs in the information society.
B) The humanities and STEM subjects should be given equal importance.
C) The liberal arts in higher education help enrich students’ spiritual life.
D) Higher education should be adjusted to the practical needs of society.
本题属于观点型细节题,问近的一次国会报告提出了什么建议。根据题干定位词latest congressional report 定位到文章第二段句。Acknowledge意为“承认”,引出观点。前半句非常简单,“近的一次国会报告承认了技术训练的关键性”,后半句以but进行语义转折,意为“但是他们也认为关于人文学科和社会科学的研究都必须在任何等级的美国教育系统中作为核心部分”。之后的both areas are critical to…都是在描述这两门学科对塑造人才的积极影响,可以略读。
A. STEM在段有解释,分别由science, technology, engineering和maths的首字母组成,意为“科学”,“技术”,“工程学”和“数学”。所以A选项的意思是“与STEM相关的学科可以帮助学生在信息社会找到工作”。文章对于STEM的影响的描述只出现在第二段的后一句话,但没有提及能帮助找工作,属于无中生有,排除。
B. 意思是“人文学科和STEM应该被给与相同的重要性”。通过第二段句话but后面的内容可以确定B为正选。选项一的难点是STEM在文中是以social science进行同义替换的方式出现的。Should be given equal importance和原文的must remain central components of …对应。
C. “高等教育的文科能帮助学生丰富精神世界”。C选项的干扰性同样来自于第二段的后一句,但需要注意的是原文所说的spiritual enrichment是由reflection on the great ideas of mankind提供而非选项所指的liberal arts. 故C排除。
D. “高等教育应该适用于社会的实际需求”。这个选项属于无中生有,比较容易排除。

57. What is the main concern of students when they choose a major?
A) Their interest in relevant subjects.
B) The academic value of the courses.
C) The quality of education to receive.
D) Their chances of getting a good job.
题目问学生选择专业时主要关心什么。结合顺序原则可以大致定位到第三段,本段前两句话讲述了家长和学生们在为高等教育做出巨大投资之后所以担心的问题就是市场的变化可能会导致孩子们将来就业机会变少以及工资降低。并且根据这个大背景提出了一个公认的解决的办法,也就是由题干中的major定位到的本段第三句,“Major in a subject designed to get you a job”seems the obvious answer to some,… 意思是“选择一个为给你找到工作而设计的专业是大部分人认可大答案”。

58. What does the author say about the so called soft subjects?
A) The benefit students in their future life.
B) They broaden students’ range of interests.
C) They improve students’ communication skills.
D) They are essential to students’ healthy growth.
问作者如何评价所谓的“软”学科。本题答案依然出自于第三段,57题定位句的后半句,即though this ignores the fact that many disciplines in the humanities characterized as “soft” often, in fact, lead to employment and success in the long run.本句的disciplines与subjects都是“学科”的意思,所以这句话可以翻译成“尽管他们忽略一个事实,那就是人文学科中那些被描述成“软”学科的,通常能够能够促成将来的就业和成功”。
A.“他们会在将来的生活使学生受益。”benefit与原文的lead to employment and success对应,in their future与原文的in the long run对应。A为正选。

59. What kind of job applicants do employers look for?
A) Those who have a strong sense of responsibility.
B) Those who are good at solving practical problems.
C) Those who are likely to become innovative leaders.
D) Those who have received a well-rounded education.
问老板想找什么类型的应聘者。答案出自第三段后一句话,employers have expressed a preference for students who received a broadly-based education that has taught them how to write well, think carefully, research creatively, and communicate easily. 这句话非常直白地告诉我们老板所偏爱的员工是接受过broadly-based education的人,即“全方位教育”,所以与这句话有相同描述的选项即为正选。

60. What advice does the author give to college students?
A) Seize opportunities to tap their potential.
B) Try to take a variety of practical courses.
C) Prepare themselves for different job options.
D) Adopt a flexible approach to solving problems.
问作者给大学生提了什么建议。全文只有四段话,前三段都已经用于解决之前的四道题,所以后一题自然而然地定位到后一段。并且由句里的students should…可以看出这段话主要是在讨论相关的建议。由于没有具体的定位词可以参考,所以一般情况下咱们需要快速读完整段话再一一对应选项看有没有符合的内容。

Passage Two

61. What does the author say about energy independence for America?
A) It sounds very attractive.
B) It ensures national security.
C) It will bring oil prices down.
D) It has long been everyone’s dream.
解析:61、A 此题并非主旨题,按顺序原则及题干信息定位首段。 “If you think so, you’re not alone”表明作者持有同样想法,答案往“so”前面找——“Energy independence. It has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?” have a nice ring to sth.表示“听起来不错,令人向往”的意思,选项A的attractive是其同义改写。即使不了解短语,根据nice可判断正态度,答案选A。

62. What does the author think of biofuels?
A) They keep America’s economy running healthily.
B) They prove to be a good alternative to petroleum.
C) They do not provide a sustainable energy supply.
D) They cause serious damage to the environment.
解析:62、D 由题干信息biofuels定位在第四段落。定位句本身出现but强调:“but most biofuels are a Faustian bargain, causing economic waste and environmental destruction. ”but后面的强调才是作者对于biofuels的真正想法——causing economic waste and environmental destruction。选项中AB选项均为正态度,与原文不符直接排除。原文中C选项为干扰选项,“可持续的能源供给”,文章未提及。

63. Why does America rely heavily on oil imports?
A) It wants to expand its storage of crude oil.
B) Its own oil reserves are quickly running out.
C) It wants to keep its own environment intact.
D) Its own oil production falls short of demand.
解析:63 、C 按照阅读出题的“顺序原则”直接看到下一段(第五段)。首句“Americans have basically decided that they don’t really want to produce all their own oil. ”美国人不愿意自己产油,是63题题干信息当中“…America rely on heavily on oil imports”的同义改写。根据“金三句原则”定位到定位句的下一句“the American people…decided that they value the environmental quality they preserve over their oil imports from abroad. ” 相比从国外进口石油,美国人更看重环境质量,由此判断,答案选C——“keep environment intact”。

64. What does the author say about oil trade?
A) It proves profitable to both sides. C) It makes for economic prosperity.
B) It improves economic efficiency. D) It saves the cost of oil exploration.
解析:64、A 根据定位词oil trade以及顺序原则定位到文章后一段。根据文章主旨和前文内容,或者是根据定位段信息可知“United States imports a great of energy”,让能源输出国有利可图,而同时“At the same time”,美国本身也有自身利益——“we derive massive economic benefits…when we engage in energy trade around the world.”,答案选A——“It proves profitable to both sides”。

65. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?
A) To justify America’s dependence on oil imports.
B) To arouse Americans’ awareness of the energy crisis.
C) To stress the importance of energy conservation.
D) To explain the increase of international oil trade.
解析:65、A 问作者写作意图,即问全文主旨。根据各段首句以及串联五个题干信息可得知,文章主要讨论“America”的“energy independence”,就可以直接排除BCD选项了。为做题保险,还要进一步确认。由文章末端的结尾“At the same time, we derive massive economic benefits…when we engage in energy trade around the world.” 可得知作者态度还是站在“oil imports”这一边的,因为可以得到“massive economic benefits”,所以作者还是在为“oil imports”而申辩的。答案选A。




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