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36. A) announcing
37. K) entitled
38. G) critically
39. L) potential
40. D) commitment
41. H) develop
42. J) enhance
43. O) retain
44. E) component
45. C) challenges

46. K
47. A
48. G
49. I
50. B
51. D
52. E
53. H
54. F
55. J
46. Some people propose laws be made to stop McDonald's from attaching toys to its food specials for children.
47. Fast-food firms may not be able to cope with pressures from food regulation in the near future.
48. Burger King will start to sell Seattle's Best coffee to increase sales.
49. Some fast-food firms provide healthy food to give the impression they are helping to tackle the obesity problem.
50. During the recession, many customers turned to fast food to save money.
51. Many people eat out less often to save money in times of recession.
52. During the recession, Burger King's promotional strategy of offering low-priced items often proved ineffective.
53. Fast-food restaurants can make a lot of money by selling breakfast.
54. Many fast-food companies now expect to increase their revenue by introducing higher-priced items.
55. A newly-passed law asks big fast-food chains to specify the calorie count of what they serve on the menu.

Passage One
56. B) It will protect them from sunburn.
57. A) It is ineffective in preventing melanomas.
58. D) Daily application of sunscreen helps reduce the incidence of melanomas.
59. A) It misleads people to rely on sunscreen for protection.
60. A) Using both covering up and sunscreen.
Passage Two
61. B) Well-educated people tend to work longer.
62. B) A rapid technological advance.
63. A) Economic growth will slow down.
64. C) Even wealthy people must work longer to live comfortably in retirement.
65. D) Skills are highly valued regardless of age.

  参考范文:Using Computer Wisely
  The comic reflects the image of our modern world in which technology has been an inseparable part of people’s daily life. As is shown, the man in the picture uses a laptop at work and home, for business and entertainment, so obsessed that he even dreams about bending over his laptop.
  It is undeniable that this has been a common scene and the overuse of computers has aroused great concern. In my opinion, people should be cautious of the excessive use of computers for the following reasons. In the first place, it will inevitably affect people’s health if they sit before computers and stare at the screens for long hours, which may result in muscle pain and visual impair. Secondly, playing computers alone isolates people from others. Relationships in the real world are maintained through human contact and spending time with each other instead of chitchatting online. In summary, people should cut down their computer use for health and social reasons. Computers are not controllers but tools in our life.

  参考译文:China is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Many elements that make up the foundation of the modern world originated in China. China now is the world's fastest growing economy, and is experiencing a new industrial revolution. China has also launched an ambitious space exploration program which includes a space station in 2020. At present, China is the world's largest exporter, and is attracting a lot of foreign investment. At the same time, it is also investing billions of dollars abroad. In 2011, China overtook Japan to become the world's second largest economy.

  专题推荐:2015年6月英语四级考试真题及答案 考后交流讨论>>>

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