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2016年5月25日   来源:233网校 评论 我的做题记录
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  • 第1页:练习试题
Every year when the flu is (  )I'm bound to get sick.
A.getting around 
B.coming around 
C.hanging around
D.going around

Since he left the university, he (  ) in an accounting company.
A.has been working 
B.had worked
C.had been working 
D.was working

3、No one was________in the accident.

The old couple decided to__________the baby though they had three children of their own.

The police found that days of investigation threw noon the mysteriouscase.

6、 Passage 3
Questions are based on the following passage
(80)As the Titanic was sinking and women and children climbed into lifeboats,the m,usicians from the ship's band stood and played.They died When the ship went down.men stood on the deck alld smoked cigarettes.They died,t00.This behavior is puzzling to economlsts,who llke to believe that people tend to act in their own self interest.“There was no pushin9,”says DaVld SaV ageaIl econos rortsrom the,mist at Queensland University in Australia who has studied witnessurvivors.It was“very,very orderly behavior Savage has comppared the behavior of the passengers on the Titanic with those on the Lusitanla,aIlother sllip mat also sank at about the same time.But when the Lusitania went down,the pa58en gers panicked(恐慌).There were a lot of similarities between these two events·The8e‘w0 8hlp8were bom luxury ones,they had a similar number of passengers and a similar number of survlV ors.
The biggest difference,Savage concludes,was time.The Lusitania sank in less than 20 n11nutes.But for the Titanic,it was tw0.and_a-half hours.“If you’ve got an eVent that lasts tw0 and a_half hours.social order will take over and everybody will behave in a soclal manner,Say age says.“If you're going down in under l7 minutes,basically it’s,instinctual·”0n the Titanic,social order mled,aIld it was women and children first.On the Lusitania,instinct won out.Thesurvivors were largely the people who could swim and get into the lifeboats Yes.we're self-interested,Savage ways.But we’re also part of a society.Given time,s0cial norms(规范)can beat our natural self-interest.A hundred years a90,women and children al waVs went first.Men were stoic(坚忍的).On the Titanic,there was enough rime for these nom8
to become forceful.
According to the author,economists were confused because ________.
A.People’s behavior was disorderly on the Titanic
B.People did not act in their own interest on the Titanic
C.most men did not act in their own interest on the Lusitania
D.women and children could not climb into the lifeboats.

7、The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of  money  could .
A.make up for
B.keep up with
C.come up with
D.put up with

No sooner __________than he realized that he should have remained silent.
A.the words had spoken
B.had the words spoken
C.the words had been spoken
D.had the words been spoken

9、(61)Time spent in a bookshop can be most enjoyable, whether you are a book lover or merely you are there to buy a book as a present.  You may even have entered the shop just to find shelter from a sudden shower.Whatever the reason,you can soon become totally unaware of your surroundings.(62)The desire to pick up a book with an attractive dust jacket is irresistable.
Although this menthod of selection ought not to be followed,as you might end up with a rather dull  book,You soon become engrossed in some book or other,and usually it is only much later that you realize you have spent far too much time there and must dash off to keep some forgotten appointment--without buying a book,of course.
(63)This opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is,I think,the main attraction of a bookshop.There are not many places where it is possible to do this.(64) You can wander around such places  to your hearts  content.If it is a good shop,no assistant will approach you with ninevitable  greeting,“Can I help you,sir?”You needn’t buy anything you don’t want.(65)In a bookshop an assistant should remain in the background until you have finished browing then,are his services necessary.

Then he noticed that a baby who had had enough to drink would refuse the milk butwould still go on making the learned response with clear sign of pleasure.

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