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来源:233网校 2016年4月18日

56. All the reference books should be made __________ to the teachers and students in our university.

A. concerned

B. available

C. related

D. flexible

57. We shall appreciate __________ from you soon.

A. being heard

B. heating

C. to hear

D. having been heard

58. I' d __________ you didn' t touch that, if you don' t mind.

A. rather

B. better

C. happier

D. further

59. He was __________ enough to understand my questions from the gestures I made.

A. intelligent

B. efficient

C. proficient

D. diligent

60. " Good-bye, Mr. Wang. I' m pleased __________ you. "

A. to meet

B. meeting

C. to have been meeting

D. to be met

61. The new law, it is said, will be__________.

A. put into effect

B. taken into account

C. kept in sight

D. brought to mind

62. The old man walked slowly, stopping frequently__________.

A. on rest

B. at rest

C. resting

D. to rest

63. The __________ flowers were all that remained.

A. two yellow little

B. little two yellow

C. yellow two little

D. two little yellow

64. Don' t risk __________ the job which so many people want.

A. losing

B. to lose

C. lost

D. your life to lose

65. __________ anything about the accident, he went to work as well.

A. Not know

B. Know not

C. Knowing not

D. Not knowing

66. These courses, if properly conducted, will __________ the minds of the students.

A. refresh

B. renew

C. stimulate

D. encourage

67. He spoke so quickly that I didn' t __________ what he said.

A. receive

B. accept

C. listen

D. catch

68. He had been __________ to give up much of his time to housework.

A. ordered

B. persuaded

C. compelled

D. Frightened

69. With a school record like yours, __________ why you didn' t try for a university scholarship.

A. I' m shocked

B. I' m puzzled

C. I' m amazed

D. I feel pity

70. Robert looked as if he were about to __________ when his motives were questioned.

A. flare up

B. jump up

C. burst up

D. look up

71. He __________ that he could create live fish out of chemicals.

A. demanded

B. asserted

C. argued

D. announced

72. He got up to the roof __________ a ladder.

A. by all means

B. by any means

C. by means of

D. by no means

73. He is sincere and easy to__________.

A. get down to

B. get at

C. get along with

D. get over

74. She likes hearing her own voice. She never stops__________.

A. talking

B. telling

C. to talk

D. to tell

75. __________ at the door before you come into the room.

A. Hit

B. Knock

C. Touch

D. Strike '





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