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来源:233网校 2017年3月8日
导读: 新疆2017年成人学位英语考试必做试题及答案四已经公布。

People who lived in towns and cities could easily refresh themselves in the hot summers just before the turn of the century. Coca-Cola had been invented in Alaonta the 1980s and it was for sale at thousands of drugstores and candy store soda fountains all over America. But people who lived in the country couldn‘t easily go into town every time they wanted a Coca-cola or flavored soda water. So Joe Tiedemann at Vicksburg, Mississippi, candy store owner, decided soda should be taken out of the cities and into the country, where most Americans lived. He vegan to fill 10 1/2 ounce, wire-stoppered bottles with Coca –Cola, shipping them by wagon and boat to the small towns along the Mississippi River. His business grew quickly:the bottled coke was so popular that biedenharn was forced to move his bottling plant to a larger building. Luonically, the first bottling operation was viewed as a curiosity by the Coca-Cola company. Biedenharn sent then his first two cases, he was politely thanked and then just as politely ignored.
  21.Why did Joe Biedenharn decide to ship Coca-Cola to the country?
  A. Because there are too many shops selling Coca-Cola.
  B. Because Coca-Cola is overproduced.
  C. Those in the country do not have easy access to the Cola.
  D. Joe Biedenharn wanted to do charity work.
  答案: C
  22. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
  A. Coca-Cola was invented in Atlanta in the 1890s.
  B. Joe Biedenharn first shipped his bottled Coca-Cola to Vicksberg Mississippi.
  C. The wire-stoppered bottles didn‘t preserve the Coca-Cola well.
  D. At the time of Joe Biedenharn, Coca-Cola was an international company.
  答案: B
  23. Which of the following can we infer from the passage?
  A. The Coca-Cola company stole Joe Biededharn‘s ideas.
  B. Joe Biedenharn finally wint bankrupt because of poor management at his plant.
  C. Joe Biedenharn eventually sold his business.
  D. Joe Biedenharn business was very successful.
  答案: D
  24. Which of the following is similar in meaning to the word “view” in the last sentence?
  A. preview B. review C. seen D. rate
  答案: C
  25. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
  A. The Coca-Cola Company.
  B. A Coca-Cola Story.
  C. The Invention of coca-Cola.
  D. The Origin of Coca-Cola Company.
  答案: B




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