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来源:233网校 2017年3月29日

  A man from New York is suing four big fast-food companies. Caesar Barber is going to court because he says that high-fat foods at McDonald' s, Burger King, Wendy' s, and KFC Corporation destroyed his health. Barber says that he ate at these restaurants four or five times a week for many years. He claims that this diet made him very overweight. According to Mr. Barber, obesity (肥胖症) gave him diabetes (糖尿病), high blood pressure, and two heart attacks. When a reporter asked him why he ate there so often, he said, "I was single, it was quick, and I' m not a very good cook. "
  Barber' s lawyer, Samuel Hirsch, says that the suit has two different purposes. The first is to make fast-food restaurants offer healthier foods in smaller amounts. The suit also asks that fast foods have warning labels similar to labels on cigarettes. Mr. Hirsch says that these labels are necessary because the effects of fast foods are similar to the effects of cigarettes, alcohol, and illegal drugs such as heroin.
  Two others may soon join Barber' s suit. One is Frances Winn, a 57-year-old retired nurse. Ms. Winn says that she has eaten at fast-food restaurants at least twice a week since 1975. She says that this habit has caused several health problems, including high blood pressure. Isreal Bradley,59, said eating a pound of French fries every week gave him high blood pressure and diabetes.
  Officials of the fast-food industry attacked the legal action. National Restaurant Association representative Katharine Kim called it ridiculous. KFC spokeswoman Amy Sherwood claimed KFC offers several kinds of foods for people who want to eat healthier. Legal expert Walter Olson agreed that the suit had little chance of success. He said that people were free to make different choices.
  Whether or not the suit is successful, there is no doubt that Americans have a weight problem.Medical experts say that obesity will soon be America' s number one killer. They have encouraged fast-food companies to offer healthier foods.
  第31题 What does the word "suing" in the first sentence mean?
  A.Attacking. B.Mentioning. C.Complaining about. D.Taking a legal action against.
  第32题 Caesar Barber' s problem is that______
  A.he does not have a family B.he suffers diseases caused by overweight
  C.he has no time for cooking D.he lives near fast-food restaurants
  第33题 By suing the four big fast-food companies, Caesar Barber wants to
  A.get them punished
  B.eat there at a lower price
  C.warn the public of the harm of eating fast foods
  D.replace them with better restaurants
  第34题 The other two who may soon join Barber' s suit______
  A.suffer similar diseases to his
  B.eat as much fast food as he does
  C.have a longer history of eating fast-food
  D.visits the fast-food restaurants more often than he does
  第35题 Fast-food restaurants are
  A.indifferent to this case B.very worried about this case
  C.quite concerned about this case D.quite optimistic about this case
  On-the-job smoking is a hot issue for both smokers and non-smokers, and many managers now see smoking as a productivity (生产力 ) problem. Although some people question whether smoking really affects one' s productivity, it has, in fact, been proven that a smoker costs a company more than a non-smoker. According to Professor William Weis, a smoking employee costs his or her employer about $ 5,700 more a year than a never-smoker. These costs include medical care, lost earnings and insurance. And absence due to smoking breaks is one of the productivity problems, yet it accounts for a great deal of employer costs.
  When the issue of smoking at the workplace is discussed, perhaps the most important problem is the health risk that smoking causes to both smokers and never-smokers. It has long been proven that smoking is linked to lung cancer. Now many health experts warn that passive smoking can cause lung cancer and other illnesses in healthy never-smokers. Passive smoking can be defined as exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke in enclosed areas. Anyone who has been with smokers indeed knows that their smoke can cause eye irritation( 刺激), coughing, headaches and throat soreness. While eye irritation may seem a small thing to some smokers, it nevertheless is a problem that occurs every workday in offices and break-rooms and can lead to greater health problems. Employees who do not smoke should not be subjected(遭受) to the risks of passive smoking and need to be able to work in a safe environment. Surgeon General Koop states that the right of the smoker stops at the point where his or her smoking increases the disease risk of those occupying the same environment.
  第36题 All the following cases are on-the-job smoking except that______
  A.an employer smokes while working in the office
  B.a taxi driver smokes while driving the car
  C.a worker smokes while working in the workshop
  D.a worker smokes while reading in the train
  第37题 According to the passage, on-the-job smoking affects an employee' s performance in the office in that______
  A.he can't concentrate on what he is doing while smoking
  B.he often goes away from his desk to smoke in the break-room
  C.he often asks for sick leave as a result of too much smoking
  D.he takes a rest from time to time because of eye irritation
  第38题 Many managers do not seem to be in favor of on-the-job smoking mainly because it______
  A.reduces productivity of the company to a certain degree
  B.does harm to the health of never-smokers of the company
  C.affects the relationship between smokers and non-smokers
  D.makes the break-rooms more crowded and more polluted
  第39题 Passive smoking means______
  A.never-smokers take up the habit of smoking unwillingly
  B.never-smokers have to put up with the active smokers
  C.never-smokers take in smoke released by a lit cigarette
  D.never-smokers share an enclosed area with smokers
  第40题 In the second part of the passage, the author suggests banning(禁止) on-the-job smoking so as to______
  A.cut down costs of medical care and insurance
  B.create a healthy and safe working environment
  C.prevent eye irritation from becoming a big health problem
  D.improve the smoking employees' work efficiency



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