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来源:233网校 2015年5月15日


Part 1 Reading Comprehension

部分 阅读理解

Passage 1

1. D. New York City will soon end a ban on cell phones in schools. 考查文章大意。

文章段提到…to end a controversial, citywide cell-phone ban in public schools, 同时提到the city is preparing to end the ban, 由此可知答案为D纽约将终止学校的手机禁令。

2. A. a dollar考查文章细节。文章第四段提到Workers in vans that resemble food trucks store teens' cell phone and other devices for a dollar a day. 由此可知答案为A 一美元。

3. B. weapons考查文章细节。文章第三段The detectors were installed to keep weapons out of schools. 由此可知答案为B武器。

4. D. unfair词意推测题。由uneven和后面it puts a disadvantage on students who can't afford to pay to store their phones可以推断该词意思是不公平的。

5. D. A phone-storage industry has appeared outside the 88 metal-detector campuses. 正误判断题。由文章后一句话判断A错误,根据文章首句not equally enforced判断B错误,文章第四段首句判断C错误,第四段第二句判断D正确。

Passage 2

6. C.when she was very young考查文章细节。文章段When Maggie was very young, a thief killed her father可判断答案为C。

7. B. Maggie was once a slave. 正误判断题。文章中提到Her mother was once a slave并不是说Maggie was once a slave.

8. A. Maggie loved to help other African Americans. 正误判断题。文章只是说Maggie got a job as a teacher. 并没有提到她在学校老师中很受欢迎,故B错误;文章第二段提到She also volunteered to help a social organization called the Order of St. Luke. 因此Maggie只是志愿帮助该组织,并不是该组织的创始人,故C错误;文章第三段后一句可判断D错误。由文章第二段后两句可以判断A正确。

9. D.poor词意推测题。文章段指出Maggie的母亲曾经是一名奴隶,她年幼丧父,家中impoverished,所以她的母亲只好给有钱人洗衣服,由此可推断impoverished应该是贫穷的意思,即poor。

10. B. next project推断题。文章后一句提到Now Walker was ready for her next big step. 因此可推断下文将要讨论Maggie's big step即B。

Passage 3

11. A.is from Brazil文章首段提到The study followed more than 3000 babies into adulthood in Brazil第二段提到Bernardo Lessa Horta of the Federal University of Pelotas in Brazil因此可判断Horta is from Brazil. B应该是conducts his research in Brazil. 文章并没有提到Horta的研究团队有多少人,故C错误。D文章也没有提及。

12. A.They stayed longer in school. 文章倒数第二段说明C正确,后一段说明A、D正确。

13. C.Horta’s research project lasted about 30 years. 文章倒数第二段So Horta analyzed data collected…since birth. They are now in their 30s. 由此可判断C正确。

14. D. pllluted词意推测题。文章第三段提到a baby given formula in developing countries is 14 times more likely to die in the first six months than one who's breast-fed. 由此可知是这些国家水被污染,因此喝奶粉长大的孩子比母乳喂养的孩子在6个月之前更容易夭折。

15. C.Breast-feeding Improves Chances of Success文章首段首句即交代文章主旨大意。



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