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来源:网络 2014年5月15日
导读: 2014年湖南成人学位英语考试时间2014年5月24日。

  Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)
  Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.
  36. This is clearly a promising ___________ to a serious national problem
  A. means
  B. approach
  C. method
  D. way
  37. The Waste Land, Eliot’s most important single poem, has been _________ as a landmark of the 20th-century English poetry.
  A. shouted
  B. condemned
  C. despised
  D. hailed
  38. There is no ________ for tastes, which explains why people have different likes and dislikes.
  A. good
  B. use
  C. way
  D. accounting
  39. The _____________ of scientific discoveries to industrial production methods has impelled the rapid development of the world’s economy.
  A. usage
  B. employment
  C. application
  D. utilization
  40. The United States won most of the track and field events. ________, in swimming, the top three places went to Americans.
  A. Contrarily
  B. Similarly
  C. Unexpectedly
  D. Hopefully
  41. Last year we bought the house, but we did not move in because we haven’t finished decorating the _________ of the house.
  A. inner
  B. inward
  C. interior
  D. internal
  42. The manager of the company will offer $5.000 _________ to whoever can solve the problem of water pollution.
  A. price
  B. prize
  C. award
  D. reward
  43. you should listen carefully and be patient when________.
  A. spoken to
  B. speak
  C. speaking to
  D. you are speaking to
  44. With the quickening ________ of life, people turn farther and farther away from conventional social etiquettes and values.
  A. ratio
  B. rate
  C. pace
  D. temper
  45. Applicants for that position ________ in their education backgrounds and working experiences.
  A. vary
  B. alter
  C. reverse
  D. change

学位英语:2014年学位英语考试报名考试大纲 冲刺必备试题

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