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来源:233网校 2016年9月11日

第1题单选 W:How annoying! I can' t figure out a solution to this problem. Can you help me?

M: __________

A.Why don' t you do it yourself?

B.OK. Though it' s beyond me, let me try.

C.You shouldn' t feel annoyed. After all, it' s your own problem.

D.Well, I' m afraid I can' t at the moment.


第2题单选 Speaker A: I was wondering whether you needed any part-timers (业余工),

Speaker B. ________

A.There is nothing at present, but look in a week.

B.It' s not the right time. See you later,

C.I' m wondering what you can do for us.

D.We need a lot of part-timers but not you.


第3题单选 Speaker A: I'd like to cash this traveler' s check, please?

Speaker B : _________

A.Do you want anything else?

B.How do you want it?

C.Do you have a deposit account?

D.How can I give it to you?


第4题单选 Speaker A: Sam, I'm calling to say goodbye to you, as I'm leaving this afternoon.

Speaker B : _________

A.Look after yourself, and thank you for your calling.

B.Pay attention to your schedule. Don' t be late for the train.

C.Thank you and don' t forget to keep in touch with me.

D.Take care and I wish you a pleasant journey.


第5题单选 W: May I see your driving license(驾照) and vehicle registration card( 登记证), please?

M: ________

A.OK. But I was driving at 60 miles per hour.

B.Sorry, please don' t write me a ticket.

C.Sure. Did I do anything wrong?

D.Yes. But I don' t think I' m a bad driver.


第6题单选 Jack: Hey, how are you, Susie? We haven' t seen each other for...it must be close to three years.

Susie: _________

Jack: OK.

A.How do you do?

B.Nice to meet you.

C.Fancy meeting you here.

D.Well. How have you been?


第7题单选 Nancy: Have you heard about Dana? She is going to get married to Graham!


A.You' re kidding !

B.Congratulations !

C.Is it a real thing?

D.Good luck!


第8题单选 Anny: Do you still have a headache, Mike?

Mike: Yes, I do. And now I have a fever and cough constantly.

Army: __________

A.That' s very regretful.

B.That' s pitiful.

C.That' s too bad.

D.That' s a pity.


第9题单选 Phone caller: Hello. Could I speak to Helen?

Helen: ________


B.I am Helen.

C.It' s me.

D.This is me.


第10题单选 W: I'm anxious to get started on our' project. Can we meet sometime before the weekend?

M: ________

A.Never mind. Shall we meet on Sunday?

B.Your project? I have no time studying your project.

C.OK. What about Friday morning?

D.OK. Library is the best place for us to meet.


第11题单选 W: What is all this glass doing on the floor?

M: _________

A.Look at the window and you' ll see.

B.I' ll clean it.

C.I' ll call the repair man.

D.Can' t you find out?


第12题单选 Speaker A: Are you feeling better now?

Speaker B : __________

A.Well, not too better yet, thank you.

B.Well, not too good yet. Better than I was though.

C.Well, it doesn' t matter.

D.I' m all fight now.


第13题单选 Shop assistant: Good morning. Can I help you?

Customer. ________. I' m just looking around.

A.No, you can' t

B.Not at the moment, thanks

C.Yes, please

D.Yes, thank you


第14题单选 Speaker A: Hello, May I speak to Mr. Smith?

Speaker B : ________

A.Yes, I am Mr. Smith.

B.No, he is not in the office right now.

C.Speaking !

D.He is not here. Can I speak for him?


第15题单选 Speaker A: I heard Joe say something terrible to you yesterday.

Speaker B. ________

A.But, you know, I wish you could pardon me.

B.But, you know, every coin has two sides.

C.Yes, I have never been angrier in my life.

D.But I don ' t mind that Joe says something terrible to you.





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