

来源:233网校 2015年10月23日



  Living one' s life is really like driving on a highway. First,to drive well,the driver must carefully examine the 21 of his car,just as he cares for his own health. Once he goes on the highway,he must 22 certain rules for his own safety. Just as he must obey certain rules of society in order to be a decent (体面的) human being. For example, on the highway,he is 23 to keep a constant speed which can be compared with his 24 life. Neither driving nor living must be taken at too 25 a speed nor at too slow a speed. If he drives over 26,the police will give him a ticket,just as he will be arrested when he breaks the law. Acting too conservatively (保守地), he will be called old-fashioned 27 others as they drive at the proper speed. When he wants to change lanes, he must pay 28 to what he is doing and check in every direction. It is sometimes dangerous to change our way of life 29 one can be sure of success. He 30 not make any unnecessary changing of lanes which may be dangerous. Finally, he must discover where he is now by recognizing some 31 appearing now and then. If he takes the wrong way,he must return to the right as 32 as he can.

  But he may thus lose 33 and energy both on the road and in life. On the whole, driving on a highway and living one' s life are both hard work.34 if he is careful and serious enough,35will provide him much pleasure.

  21. A. seat

  B. condition

  C. petrol

  D. passenger

  22. A. listen to

  B. find

  C. follow

  D. insist on

  23. A. glad

  B. required

  C. made

  D. anxious

  24. A. broken

  B. bad

  C. good

  D. continuous

  25. A. large

  B. fast

  C. limited

  D. expected

  26. A. speed

  B. slow

  C. order

  D. willing

  27. A. persuading

  B. getting

  C. interrupting

  D. refusing

  28. A. notice

  B. attention

  C. signs

  D. regards

  29. A. if

  B. when

  C. unless

  D. because

  30. A. dare

  B. need

  C. may

  D. should

  31. A. signs

  B. roads

  C. posters

  D. people

  32. A. possible

  B. soon

  C. much

  D. hard

  55. A. money

  B. luck

  C. time

  D. trust

  34. A. Therefore

  B. But

  C. And

  D. As

  35. A. our

  B. she

  C. they

  D. your

  推荐:2015年成考志愿填报专题 准考证打印 晒考点赢积分 成绩查询

  试题:2015年成人高考模拟试题及答案 2015年成人高考试题及答案

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