

来源:233网校 2017年1月4日
导读: 2009年成人高考专升本英语考试真题及参考答案已经公布。

四、Reading Comprehension (75 points)Directions: There are four reading passages in this part.Each passage is followed by five questions.For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D.Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on ANSWER SHEET Ⅰ.

Passage One

Before the conference began,a Japanese businessman was introduced to an American businessman at the lounge.The Japanese businessman,arms extending downwards from his shoulders,bowed from his waist toward the American businessman to whom he was just introduced.His eyes were directed ahead,his face showed no particular expression.

The American businessman stood straight.His eyes focused on the Japanese man’S eyes.He smiled and put out his right hand.

Both men smiled briefly in embarrassment.The Japanese man straightened up and put out his right hand.The American withdrew his hand and bowed his head.A broader smile of embarrassment.and some noise from each man-not really words,just some sounds from their throats-indicating discomfort.They were in the course of a conflict of customs;they had different habits for greeting people they were being introduced to.

When people are planning to go to another country,they expect to encounter certain kinds of differences.They usually expect the weather and the food to be different.They expect to find differences in some of the material aspects of life,such as the availability of cars,electricity,and home heating systems.And,without knowing the details,they expect differences in customs.Customs are the behaviors that are generally expected in specific situations.American men,for example,shake hands with each other when first introduced while Japanese men bow.

第36题单选 When introduced to the Japanese businessman,the American businessman put Out his right hand because____.

A.he felt a little bit nervous

B.he wanted to express his discomfort

C.he felt a little offended by the Japanese man

D.he wanted to shake hands with the Japanese man



第37题单选 The two businessmen behaved differently because____.

A.they followed their own greeting customs

B.they were not used to the strange atmosphere

C.they couldn’t speak each other’s language

D.they had never met each other before



第38题单选 Paragraph 4 tells us that when visiting a foreign country,____.

A.it is very uncommon for one to encounter embarrassing situations

B.it is hard for one to adapt to the material aspects of life there

C.people often expect tO meet differences in customs

D.people expect the same kind of food and weather



第39题单选 This passage is mainly about____.

A.cultural invasion

B.the understanding of customs

C.business talks

D.differences in handshakes




Mr.Leonard,the principal of the Bedford Academy High School in Bedford-Stuyvesant,Brooklyn,is a man of many solutions,many of them creative,many of them,apparently, also effective.In New York City, only about 50 percent of students manage to graduate in four years.At Bedford Academy 63 percent of the students qualify for free lunch,a majority of which are being raised by a single mother and another significant number are being raised by someone other than a parent.Yet close to 95 percent of students graduate,and actually every one of those goes on to college.

Mr.Leonard does not achieve those results by admitting only high-testing students into his school.Of the students arriving with lower test scores,Mr.Leonard says that he is not looking for the students with the highest grades,or even the best behavior.He’ S looking for the ones who understand his basic mission of discipline and respect,and are willing to devote themselves to his regular training course.

The Bedford Academy High School is famous for its autonomy.For Mr.Leonard,autonomy means insisting that all entering students spend their Saturday mornings in preparatory classes the summer before they enroll.Autonomy also means an automatic weeklong suspension for any student who “disrespects a female,”said Mr.Leonar

D.It means requiring struggling students,in the weeks before the Regents exams,to attend studying sessions on Saturday from 9

A.m.until 9 p.m.It means the most senior, experienced teachers,including Mr.Leonard,teach not the school’S academic jewels,but the most struggling students.

And autonomy also means the school’ S teachers administer almost no homework.Instead they emphasize after-school tutoring where the teachers Can keep a better eye on whether the student is actually grasping the material.

第40题单选 In Mr.Leonard’S school,most ofthe students who don’t have to pay for lunch____.

A.are adopted children

B.are parentless

C.are homeless

D.have a single parent



第41题单选 What can be a good indication of the Bedford School’s success?

A.63 percent of its students go on to colleg

B.A high percentage of students enjoy free lunc

C.All the graduates from the school go on to colleg

D.The number of its graduates is twice that of New York High School



第42题单选 What does Mr.Leonard expect from those low-testing students?

A.The highest score

B.The best behaviou

C.Respectfulness and disciplin

D.Willingness to learn by themselve


参考解析:文章第二段第二行谈到,Mr Leonard 看重的不是学生的分数,而是守纪律,尊敬别人。故C正确。

第43题单选 The school insists that students should____.

A.leave the school if they fail to respect a woman

B.attend the preparatory classes in the summer before enrolling

C.do their homework to review what they have learned

D.come to the school on Sundays



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