

来源:233网校 2017年1月4日
导读: 2011年成人高考专升本英语考试真题及参考答案已经公布。

The environment affects the way people interact. To examine this conclusion, two researchers "decorated" three rooms. One room was refurnished to look ugly. The second room was intended to look average. The third room was designed to be beautiful. Individuals were then asked to sit in one of the three rooms and rate several pictures of people's faces. The results indicated that the environment has a significant effect on the way people rated the faces. Subjects in the beautiful room gave the pictures higher rates than did subjects in the ugly room. In addition, subjects in the ugly room found the task more unpleasant and boring than did subjects in the beautiful room. Subjects assigned to the ugly room attempted to leave sooner than did subjects assigned to the beautiful room. Color is one environmental factor that can affect your mood and even your ability to concentrate. One researcher concluded that the most pleasant colors, listed in order of preference, were blue, green, purple, red and yellow. The colors listed from most to least arousing were red, orange, yellow, violet, blue and green.

Lighting also affects behavior. Elegant restaurants with dim lighting create a mood of intimacy (亲密) that encourages conversation. The bright lights of an office or a classroom, on the other hand, arouse and stimulate thinking.

Room decoration, color, lighting, and even music and temperature all influence communication with others; but there is no all-purpose environment. The ideal environment depends on the task that will be performed as well as on the needs and expectations of those present. The same environmental factors that encourage lively conversation and dancing at a New Year's Eve party cannot be expected to create a serene climate in which to study for final exams.

第44题单选 Paragraph 1 shows that subjects in the ugly room tend to be __.

A. less patient

B. less considerate

C. more enthusiastic

D. more confident



第45题单选 Which color is the most helpful for keeping a good mood?

A. Gree

B. Blu

C. Orang

D. Re



第46题单选 What effect can dim lights of an eating environment bring about?

A. Arousing active thinkin

B. Improving work efficienc

C. Creating a tense atmospher

D. Stimulating talks among peopl



第47题单选 The underlined word "serene" in the last sentence is closed in meaning to __

A. serious and grave

B. calm and peaceful

C. pleasant and friendly

D. cold and indifferent



There is nothing more possible than a new hip or knee that can put the spring back in your step. Patients receiving joint implants (移植) often are able to resume many of the physical activities they love, even those as vigorous as tennis and hiking. No wonder, then, that joint replacement is growing in popularity.

In the United States in 2007, surgeons performed about 806,000 hip and knee implants (the joints most commonly replaced), double the number of performed a decade earlier. Though these procedures have become routine, they are not failure free.

"Implants must sometimes be replaced," said Dr. Henrik Malchau, an orthopedic surgeon (矫正外科医生) at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. A study published in 2007 found that 7 percent of hips implanted in Medicare patients had to be replaced within seven and a half years.

"The percentage may sound low, but the finding suggests that thousands of hip patients eventually require a second operation," said Dr. Malchau. Those patients must endure additional recoveries, often painful, and increased medical expenses.

The failure rate should be lower, many experts agree. Sweden, for instance, has a failure rate estimated to be a third of that in the United States. Sweden also has a national joint replacement registry, a database of information from which surgeons can learn how and why certain procedures go wrong. A registry also helps surgeons learn quickly whether a specific type of implant is particularly problematic. "Even country that has developed a registry has been able to reduce failure rates significantly," said Dr. Daniel Berry, chief of orthopedic surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.

A newly formed American Joint Replacement Registry will begin gathering data from hospitals in the next 12 to 18 months. It's good news for those who are considering replacing a knee or hip.

第48题单选 What is the problem with hip or knee replacement in the U.S.?

A. A lot of patients need a second operatio

B. Doctors are not well trained to ensure successful operatio

C. Demands for hip replacement exceed the number of surgeon

D. Replacement operation is becoming too expensive in hospital


参考解析:这是有关美国医学膝盖和髋骨移植的问题。第四段。数以千计的髋骨移植病人需 要做第二次手术,这增加了病人的痛苦和费用。选项A是正确的。选项B和C文中没有提及。选项D是错的,文中并未说手术本身涨价,而是说二次手术使病人多付一次手术的费用。

第49题单选 Why does Sweden have a lower rate of hip implant failure?

A. Because Sweden has more advanced technolog

B. Because Sweden has a patient data collecting syste

C. Because Sweden has a much larger number of patient

D. Because Swedish doctors are more responsible and skillfu


第50题单选 People who need a new knee or hip would possibly feel __ about data gathering in the U.S.

A. indifferent

B. assured

C. puzzled

D. hopeful



第51题单选 People who need a new knee or hip would possibly feel __ about data gathering in the U.S.

A. indifferent

B. assured

C. puzzled

D. hopeful



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