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导读: 考试大浓情奉献2011年6月英语四级听力全真模拟题。希望在听力的路上助大家一臂之力,考试大祝大家顺利通过考试!

  Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)

  Section A
  ll. A) He takes things very seriously.
  B) He knows the woman well.
  C) He doesn't have good hearing.
  D) He doesn't pay attention to people's words.
  12. A) Rub his boots.
  B) Wear his boots.
  C) Buy a pair of boots.
  D) Bring some books.考试大-中国教育考试门户网站(www.233.com)
  13. A) The bike is expensive.
  B) The tires are good but nothing else.
  C) The bike is broken.
  D) The bike is worthwhile.
  14. A) He received a shirt but it was the wrong size.
  B) He didn't receive the watch he wanted for Christmas.
  C) He received a watch that was the wrong size.
  D) He wanted a shirt but received a watch.
  15. A) Sarah hided the jam in the cabinet.
  B) The man will leap if he checks the cabinet.
  C) Sarah shouldn't have been home at the moment.
  D) The man shouldn't jump to conclusion so quickly.
  15. A) Ask the professor hi her office.
  B) Answer the question for the man.
  C) Ask the professor when she will be available.
  D) Ask the professor to contact the man.
  17. A) He agrees with the woman about the weather.
  B) He disagrees with the woman about the weather.
  C) He didn't hear clearly what the woman said and had to judge by her looks.
  D) He asked the woman to repeat.
  18. A) 96 dollars.
  B) 36 dollars.
  C) 60 dollars.来源:上考试大网校,考试轻松过关
  D) 48 dollars.
  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  19. A) There was a traffic accident.
  B) A car was smashed by a falling object.
  C) A car hit someone near the high building.
  D) A driver was killed in his new car.
  20. A) The woman never reads newspaper.
  B) The man is always proud of iris car.
  C) The woman bad her new car damaged.
  D) The man had his old car insured.
  21. A) He had his car hit by a falling piece of concrete.
  B) He was fined for speeding in South Street.
  C) He had been unable to park his specially-made car.
  D) He could not claim anything from the insurance company.
  22. A) He was annoyed.
  B) He was pleased.来源:考试大考试大成就你的梦想
  C) He felt it could be replaced.
  D) He did not care.
  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  23. A) What kind of medicine to develop.
  B) When to advertise the drugs,
  C) How to promote their products.
  D) The regulations of medicine advertising.
  24. A) To launch a campaign on all the specialist medical journals.
  B) To offer to return the purchase price ff the customers are not satisfied.
  C) To advertise on the papers with doctors' recommendation.
  D) To advertise through television commercials.
  25. A) She is a medical expert.
  B) She knows nothing about the regulations of medicine advertisement.
  C) She will have to think of new ideas.
  D) The man appreciates her work very much.
  Section B
  Passage One
  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  25. A) Three times.
  B) Four times.
  C) Six times.
  D) Seven times.
  27. A) This year.
  B) This season.
  C) A year later.
  D) At the end of this year.
  28. A) He doesn't think it is difficult.
  B) He doesn't think it is more difficult than Marathon.
  C) He thinks it is much easier than Fl Race.
  D) He thinks it is the most difficult sporting event.
  Passage Two
  Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  29. A) It distinguishes happy men from others.
  B) It is a luxury enjoyed by few.
  C) It is a unifying power.来源:考试大考试大成就你的梦想
  D) It serves as a daily necessity.
  30. A) A sense of humor can turn strangers into acquaintances.
  B) Human beings share one quality—a sense of humor.
  C) People can communicate with each other without talking.
  D) The ability to laugh is a unique feature of human beings.
  31. A) A sense of humor and laughter are the same thing.
  B) Human beings have many things in common.
  C) Human beings are the most humorous creatures.
  D) A sense of humor is the key to happiness.
  Passage Three
  Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  32. A) Eye contact is very important in relationships.
  B) The more eye contact, the better.
  C) The less eye contact, the worse.
  D) Communication barriers are produced by eye contact.
  33. A) To show intimacy.
  B) To show attention.
  C) To show influence.
  D) To show respect.
  34. A) Not look into his eyes.
  B) Stare at him.
  C) Keep eye contact.
  D) Avoid eye contact.
  35. A) The Spanish.
  B) The American.
  C) The Arabian.
  D) The British.
  Section C


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