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56.What does the author mean by saying“acting on those strategies will take individual and political will”(Line4.5,para.1)?作者说引号中的这句话是什么意思?
A.Both politicians and individuals wish to put the strategies into practice.政府和个人都希望将这些策略投入使用。
B.Conducting those strategies needs to consider both personal and official will.执行那些策略需要考虑个人及官方的意愿。
C.Carrying out those strategies needs both individual and governmental support.执行那些策略需要个人及政府双方的支持。
D.Either individual or government Can carry out those strategies.个人或者政府都可以采用那些策略。

57.What have high.income countries done to smoking?高收入国家针对抽烟做了些什么?
A.Banned smoking in the public and reduced tobacco taxes.禁止在公共场所抽烟并降低烟草税。
B.Banned public smoking and established tobacco taxes.禁止公共场所抽烟并制定烟草税。
C.Dropped smoking rates and banned smoking in public.降低抽烟率并禁止在公共场所抽烟。
D.Dropped smoking rates and lowered tobacco taxes.降低抽烟率以及烟草税。

58.What is the author’s suggestion to salt consumption?作者对于食盐摄入有什么建议?
A.Eat lemons instead ofexcessive salt to cut down sodium consumption.吃一些柠檬代替过量的食盐以降低钠摄入量。
B.Take in as less salt as possible for the sake ofhealth.为了健康,尽可能少吃盐。
C.Take in at least 800mg ofsalt every day.每天至少吃800毫克的盐。
D.Never take in salt but citric acid to keep fit不要吃盐而是吃柠檬酸以保持健康。

59.What can you learn about hypertension from the passage?从这篇文章中,关于“高血压”你了解到了什么?
A.Moderate amount ofalcohol is good for blood pressure control.适量的酒精有助控制血压。
B.American people have a less opportunity to develop hypertension.美国人不容易得高血压。
C.Regular blood pressure monitoring can reduce the risk of diabetes.有规律的血压监测可以降低糖尿病的风险。
D.Controlling blood pressure properly Can reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease.合适地控制血压可以降低中风和心脏病的风险。

60.What Can we do to address diabetes?我们可以怎样治疗糖尿病?
A.Keep a low.sugar diet.保持低糖饮食。
B.Take physical exercise.锻炼身体。
C.Receive drug treamaent.接受药物治疗。
D.All ofthe above.上述所有。

  备考冲刺: 作文听力阅读理解翻译题型试题题型真题复习辅导经验技巧


  考后首发:2014年12月英语四级真题及答案 关注微信对答案

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