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A.When I say‘'hello”,you will get my greeting.当我说你好时,你得到了我的问候。
B.When I say‘'hello”,you will give me a response.当我说你好时,你会热情回应。
C.When I say‘'hello”,you will form an impression of my voice.当我说你好时,你会对我的声音形成印象。
D.When I say‘'hello”,you will realize my personality in a second.当我说你好时,你会在瞬间了解我的性格。

57.What conclusion Can we get from the research performed by professor Mcaleer and his colleagues?我们可以从麦卡利尔教授和其同事进行的调查中得出什么结论?
A.Most people agreed each voice represented each trait.多数人都伺意一种声音代表一种个性。
B.Our voices can transmit subtle signals about ourselves.我们的声音可以传递有关自身的微妙信息。
C.People can make accurate snapjudgments very quickly.人们可以迅速作出准确无误的判断。
D.People cannot form an instant impression through voice.人们不能通过声音形成及时的印象。

58.What does Mcaleer moan by saying the line that“there’s this evolutionary
A.People can avoid others quickly ifthey trust them.如果人们相信别人就会躲开他们。
B.People Can approach others quickly ifthey distrust them.如果人们不相信别人就会靠近他们。
C.People hope to know others quickly to approach or avoid them.人们想陕速了解别人,然后决定是靠近他们还是躲开他们。
D.People dislike to spend much time to understand others.人们不喜欢花很多时间去了解别人。

59.When does a girl become more trustworthy compared with a guy?相比男孩,女孩什么时候会变得更可信?
A.A girl would be mote trustworthy when she raises her voice up at the end ofword.当一个女孩在句尾提高声音时,她会更值得信任。
B.A girl would be more trustworthy as she glides from a high to a low pitch.当一个女孩的音高从高变低时,她会更值得信任。
C.A girl would be more trustworthy as she keeps the same pitch during conversation.当一个女孩在谈话中始终保持相同音高时,她会更值得信任。
D.A girl would be more trustworthy when she alter the pitch from time to time.当一个女孩一次次改变音高时,她会更值得信任。

60.What is the purpose ofthis study?这项研究的目的是什么?
A.To help create artificial voices for people who have lost it.为那些失声的人创造仿真声音。
B.To create likable and engaging voices for satnavs.为卫星导航系统制作可爱又迷人的声音。
C.To make contribution to the creation ofvoices for robots.为机器人仿真声音的制作贡献一己之力。
D.A.l ofthe above.以上三者均是。




  考后首发:2014年12月英语四级真题及答案 关注微信对答案

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