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2012年6月16日来源:文都教育评论 我的做题记录
   2. Blog writing
   1) 写博客的好处
   2) 写博客存在的问题
   3) 你的看法
  Blog writing, unknown several years ago, is a common word nowadays. People write about their lives in their blogs on the Internet. Blog writing can give people a lot. First, it is a way to relieve the stress in life by taking things out. Second, friends may look at the blogs, discuss the problems mentions in the blogs, and then provide possible solutions together and see the problems comprehensively. Third, if the people write their blogs in the language they are learning, definitely it is an excellent way to study.
  Of course, there are negative points in this new type of writing. On the one hand, people may write about classmates or workmates around them, and these stories may be spread, thus influencing the relationships between people in reality. On the other hand, if people spend too much time and effort on blog writing, maybe they have no chance and spirit to have face-to-face communications. Consequently, their ability to deal with people in life may decrease.
   For me, it is an easy thing. The most important is what people write and how people look at their blogs. People write things that they think can be shared, for example, comments on books or movies, feelings for the nature, academic questions. The information can benefit others without privacy being intruded. In the Meantime, blog writing is only one way of communication and will never take the place of face-to-face communications. If thought of this way, blog wiring may be an enjoyable experience to share information and opinions; but we can never neglect the face-to-face contact in real life.



责编:tanj  评论  纠错

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