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  • 第2页:作文范文

On Privacy of Famous People

  In recent years, many newspapers and magazines focus on the activities of film stars, pop singers and some other celebrities. Reporters disguise their identities, infiltrate the subject’s business and family, or even bug and wiretap them to get the news by whatever means.
  It is not difficult to explain the reason for the reporters’ great interest in celebrities’ private lives. What matters to a newspaper or a magazine is the number of readers. A large readership means the rise in the circulation of their publications, hence a huge profit. Since celebrities are newsworthy figures, and their stories draw far more attention than those of ordinary people, it is natural that the press tries to feature private lives of celebrities.
  In my view, famous people are also citizens. They have the right to keep their own privacy like ordinary people — their privacy should be respected, protected and guaranteed by laws under all circumstances. Therefore, the press should stop invading their privacy.



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