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Part II (15 minutes)
2、When treating a patient with insomnia, the primary-care physician is advised to refer the patient for polysomnography and/or to a sleep specialist if he suspects narcolepsy, periodic leg-movement disorder or __________.
3、The fact that melatonin agonists has minimal potential for abuse is one of the factors that we consider the drug as __________.
4、Which drugs can represent a new class of sleep agents?

5、What does the pharmacotherapy of insomnia focus on?

6、We can learn that when a community physician manage insomnia, it is very important for him to ask the __________ of the patient.
7、How many forms appear to be important in clinical benzodiazepine effects according to Dr. Richardson ?

8、Which statement is true according to the text?

9、What does a good long - term therapy depend on?

10、What's the target of an ideal drug for insomnia?

11、What factors should physicians consider in the medical research?

责编:cxy  评论  纠错

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