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  • 第1页:练习试题
1. 根据下列材料请回答22-58题:

What is responsible for processing a signal sent by people's eyes?
A.Oxygen-rich blood.
B.Neurons in the brain.
C.A small region of the brain.
D.The central part of the brain.
2. 回答58-57题
Educators today are more and more often heard to say that computerliteracy is absolutely necessary for college students. Many even argue that eachincoming freshman should have permanent access to his or her own microcomputer. What advantages do computers offer the collegestudents?
Any student who has used a word processor will know one compellingreason to use a computer: to write papers. Although not all students feelcomfortable composing on a word processor, most find revising and editing much easier on it. One can alter, insert, or delete just by pressinga few keys, thus eliminating the need to rewrite or re-type.Furthermore, since the revision process is less burdensome, students are morelikely to revise as Often as is necessary to end upwith the best paper possible. For these reasons, many freshman English coursesrequire the use
of a word processor.
Computers are also useful in the context of language courses,where they are used to drill students in basic skills. Software programs reinforce ESL(Englishas a Second Language ) instruction, as well as instruction in French, German, Spanish, and other languages. By using theseprograms on a regular basis, students can improve
their proficiency in a language while proceeding at their ownpace.
Science students take advantage of computers in many ways. Usingcomputer graphic capabilities, for example, botany students can represent andanalyze different plant growth patterns. Medical students can learn to interpret computerized images of internal body structures. Physicsstudents can complete complex calculations far
more quickly than they could without the use of computer.
Similarly, business and accounting students find that computerspreadsheet programs are all but indispensable to many aspects of their work, while studentspursuing careers in graphic arts, marketing, and public relations find that knowledge of computer graphic is important. Education majors learnto develop grading systems using computers,while social science students usecomputers for analyzing and graphically displacing their research results.
It is no wonder, then, that educators support the purchase and useof microcomputers by students. A versatile toot, the computer can help studentslearn. And that is, after all, the reason for going to college.

The word "literacy" (Line 1, Paragraph 1)means__________.
A.the ability to read and write
B.the ability to use
D.the knowledge of language

3. Passage One Questions 57-12 are based on the following passage.
    Thousands of years ago man used handy rocks for his surgical operations.Later he used sharp bone or horn,metal knives and more recently,rubber and plastic and that was where we stuck,in surgical instrument terms,for many years.In the l960s a new tool was developed,one which was,first of all,to be of great practical use to the armed forces and industry,but which was also,in time,to revolutionize the art and science of surgery, The tool is the laser and it is being used by more and more surgeons all over the world,for a very large number of different complaints.The word“laser”means:light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.As we all know,light is hot,any source of light—from the sun itself down to a humble match burning—will give warmth.But light is usually spread out over a wide area.The Light in a laser beam,however,is concentrated.This means that a light with no more power than that produced by an ordinary electric light bulb becomes intensely strong as it is concentrated to a pinpoint-sized beam.
    Experiments with these pinpoint beams showed researchers that different energy sources produce beams that have a particular effect on certain living cells.It is now possible for eye surgeons to operate on the back of human eye without harming the front of the eye,simply by passing a laser beam right though the eye-ball.No knives,no stitches,no unwanted damage—a true surgical wonder.Operations which once left patients exhausted and in need of long period of recovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable。So much more difficult operations can now be tried.
    The rapid development of laser techniques in the past ten years has made it clear that the future is likely to be very exciting.Perhaps some cancers will be treated with laser in a way that makes surgery not only safer but also more effective.Altogether,tomorrow may see more and more information coming to light on the diseases which can be treated medically.

Which of the following is NOT a tool used for surgical operations before the 1960s?
B.Metal knives.
D.Rubber and plastic.

4. Some,green.h0.u,se gases occur naturally in the atmosphere,while others__________(由人类的活动造成).

5. Maintaining proper weight is__________(可以采取的的步骤之一)to prevent many health conditions and diseases.

6. She was anxious about ________________ (女儿晚上这么晚还在外面).
7. At least he overstated__________(健康饮食对孩子的重要性).

8. 根据以下资料回答{TSE}题

What are the differences between little boys' and little girls' conversation?
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________.
9. 1.现在很多大型活动都需要志愿者;

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