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A.Go to a place he has visited.
B.Make her own arrangements.
C.Consult a travel agent.
D.Join in a package tour.

        If you are trying to do your bit for sustainability and save water by taking shorter showers, then a new report on sustainability reveals for the first time that there are more effective ways that our everyday choices can have a positive impact on the environment.
        For example, the glass of juice you have for breakfast might have used the same amount of water in its production as the amount you have just saved by cutting your shower from 10 to 5 minutes. The milk on your cereal might have used even more.
        Balancing Act, a world first that has been developed for the Australia economy by scientists from CSIRO (澳大利亚联邦科学月工业研究组织) and the University of Sydney, looks across 135 industry sectors of the Australian economy and quantifies the impacts and contributions across ten social, environmental, and financial indicators.
Report co-author CSIRO scientist, Barney Foran, says that sustainability for Australia is a balancing act as we try to make decisions and trade-offs in the face of often-competing economic, social and environmental attributes.
        "We still need to eat and shower—and it is still worth taking shorter showers to save our stressed urban water supplies—but now consumers have a new tool to help us make more informed choices about different types of products based on a new sustainability rating," says Foran.
        Different to other studies because of its detailed observation of the full production chain, this report is able to show the full effects--both direct and indirect  of the production of an individual conunodity or serwce, cappuccinos( 卡布奇诺咖啡 )or haircuts.  It highlights sustainability challenges for different industries and points out areas in the production chain where a focused effort would make a significant difference.
        All effects are referenced back to a consumption dollar  roughly the dollar spent by a consumer in everyday life. It also shows that each consumption dollar is quite different-some dollars are positive and create employment, or suck in imports or generate government revenue. Other consumption dollars are less positive through their high use of water or production of greenhouse gas emissions.
        This relatively simple presentation of highly complex issues makes this a powerful tool for people who are interested in sustainability to move beyond decisions based on dollars and cents and enables them to make decisions based on a contribution to society, environment, and economy.

The new report on sustainability ________.
A.suggests that saving water by raking shorter showers is ineffective
B.provides more effective daily ways that can protect environment
C.indicates that drinking juice wastes more water than taking long shower
D.reveals that milk uses more water in its production than juice does

3、Questionsare based on the following passage
One thing about Huawei is easy to understand:its(36)__________.In Parison May 7th the Chinese telecoms company showed off the Ascend P7,a sleek smart phone(37)__________with the speedy fourth-generation mobile-phone networksbeing built in many countries.
Huawei started pushing its own brand of smartphones only in 201 1,but by 2013 it was the world’s third-biggestvendor.(38)__________it isstill far behind the leaders,Apple and Samsung:it hopes that phones like the P7 will help it(39)__________the gap.In 2013 this part of its operations brought in about 70%of its revenueof 239 billion yuan.
Huawei’s(40)__________and management are less well understood.Some American politicians and competitors regard the company aslittle better than a front for the Chinese state,partlybecause Ren Zhengfei,its chief(41)__________,was an engineer in the People’sLiberation Army before he founded Huawei in l 987.Itsnetwork equipment has in effect been(42)__________out of the American market.However,Huawei has A.ways denied being under thestate’s thumb.
Unlike Alibaba and other Chinese technologycompanies that have sought stock market listings,Huawei has no such plans.Huawei’s system,he believes,fosters a(43)__________viewthat will help it overtake listed competitors.Nor doeshe think that going public would(44)__________Huawei’s difficulties in America.“Itmight take ten or 20 years for the United States to know that Huawei is acompany with(45)__________,”he said.Meanwhile,Huaweiwill put its energy into more welcoming markets.



A.Her car actually got no problem.
B.She was charged unfairly to have her car fixed.
C.She can get by with her car.
D.It is too expensive to have the car fixed.

5、 回答题
    When companies consider their benefits mix.coverage for medical care is often top.of-mind.Yet there may be another,even more powerful concern driving employee coverage preferences:vision care.Roughly 75%of adults in the United States require some type of vision correction.and 84 percent of adults believe that vision benefits are somewhat or very important to them.As a result.vision assistance is moving higher and higher on the list of sought.after employee benefits.
    What’s driving the trend?One factor is the increasing power of eye examinations to detect systemic illness.In addition to identifying nearsightedness,farsightedness and astigmatism,routine eye exanls now play a role in diagnosing conditions such as diabetes,brain aneurysms(脑动脉瘤),liver disease and stroke risk.
    Early identification,in turn,translates into markedly lower expenditures for employers.In 2014,eye problems will cost companies an estimated$8 billion in reduced productivity.Making sure employees get the right eye care helps employers reduce these losses.At the same time,it boosts their ability to retain loyal workers.
    So what’s the best way to get patients into the exam chair?One way is to provide a vision plan that lowers out-of-pocket(自已付费的)expenses.Indeed,research shows that out-of-pocket expense--not premiums--is the number-one factor employees consider when choosing a-vision plan.“And that’s just smart.”says independent insurance broker Shannon Enders.“Premiums make up only about 30 percent of total out.of-pocket expenses.So it pays to100k beyond the premium and see the real cost of a plan.”
    A study conducted by Service Excellence Group Inc.,a leading market research company,shows how the right vision insurance plan can result in across—the-board(全面的)savings for employees.The study compared the prices customers with different insurance plans paid for the same popular pair of eyeglasses at independent doctors and retail chains.It found that customers with insurance plans that were most successful at keeping out-of-pocket expenses low saved hundreds of dollars.
    With eyeglasses becoming as much of a fashion accessory(装饰品)as a vision aid,forward-thinking companies are beginning to take note.Enders says more of his clients are saying yes to vision care plans.“Employees care about their eyes,”he says.“And offering benefits packages with the features employees care most about will become an even more important corporate strategy going forward.”

What is the meaning of the last sentence of paragraph one?
A.Vision assistance is listed on the list of popular worker interests.
B.Vision assistance is becoming more and more popular among employees。
C.Vision assistance is considered as one of the employee benefits.
D.Vision assistance is the top concern of the employees.

        The argument that global warming is causing more extreme weather is problematic because it presumes the globe is warming.  In fact, the global temperature trend line has been stable for more than a dozen years, while carbon dioxide has increased 7%. If carbon dioxide was the driver, then why have global temperatures stopped increasing?
        Keep in mind that carbon dioxide represents 0.0395% of the Earth's atmosphere. Arguing that carbon dioxide is driving the small temperature variations in our climate as opposed to the oceans, which cover70% of the planet and have 1,000 times the heat capacity of air, or the output of our sun, is scientifically disturbing.
        Weather is more publicized nowadays because of its impact on society and the constant push of the global warming agenda. Increases in population result in more people being in the path of Mother Nature's great anger. Global warming activists attribute every major weather event to man because they are either uninformed about history, or choose to ignore it. The latest claims resulting from this series of hot and dry summers ignore the fact that more state heat records were set in the 1930s than all other decades of the last century combined. Anyone remember the Dust Bowl?
Seven major hurricanes hit the East Coast from 1954 to 1960. Now that we are in a pattern similar to the 1950s, the East Coast is vulnerable once again, and attributing events like Hurricane Irene to global warming is incorrect. All the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC.projections for our climate have proved to be wrong. Global temperatures have stopped increasing and are nowhere near estimates made a decade ago. The IPCC incorrectly predicted Arctic sea ice would disappear by now.
        After Katrina in 2005, more and stronger hurricanes were forecast to be the future. The Accumulated Cyclone Energy Index for the globe has instead declined to the lowest level in 30 years. This does not mean we will not see warm weather and land-falling hurricanes. We are in a pattern similar to the 1950s when U.S. heat and drought as well as East Coast land-failing hurricanes were quite prevalent.
        Perhaps when the Atlantic becomes cold, we will be hearing Ice Age scares again as we did in the 1970s.

According to the first, paragraph_______.
A.there is less extreme weather
B.the global temperature is always stable
C.the globe is not waring
D.carbon dioxide delays global wanning

7、太极拳(Ta i ch i Chuan)是我国一项传统的健身运动项目。自古以来中国人就有练习太极拳的习惯,以此来达到强身健体的目的。随着群众体育运动的普及,越来越多的人喜欢上了打太极拳。太极拳是现在很多中老年人锻炼的主要项目。早上要是去公园溜达,你会发现有很多老人在打太极拳。对于老年人而言,打太极拳是一项古老也是有效的养生方式。

8、中国被誉为陶瓷之国,景德镇被称为陶瓷之都(the City of ceramics)。瓷器早出现于商代中晚期。距今已有八千多年的悠久历史。随着时代的发展,瓷器的用途越来越多,既可以用来盛放东西,也可以作装饰之用。多姿多彩的瓷器是中国古代的伟大发明之一。  “瓷器”与“中国”在英文中同为一词。充分说明中国瓷器的精美绝伦完全可以作为中国的代表。

9、蒙古族是一个富有传奇色彩的民族,对亚欧历史进程产生过巨大的影响。全球蒙古民族共约有820万,主要分布在中国、蒙古国、俄罗斯三个国家。蒙古族服饰包括长袍、腰带、靴子、首饰等,但因地区不同在样式上有所差异。中国境内的蒙古族主要居住在内蒙古自治区,全区现有蒙古族人口约达380万。自古以来,蒙古族人善于骑射,素有“马背上的民族”(the Peop I e on Horseback)之称。

10、杭州位于中国东南沿海,是中国的“丝绸之府”(the Home of S i I k)。意大利著名旅行家马可-波罗赞叹杭州为“世界上美丽的华贵之城”。西湖位于杭州西部,以秀丽的湖光山色和众多的名胜古迹闻名中外。它是为数不多的免费5A景区。春夏秋冬都有其独特的魅力。饭后漫步西湖,看一看音乐喷泉,听一听街头弹奏,是一件惬意的事情。

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