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  • 第1页:练习试题
Questions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have jnst heard.

A.To give background information about Santa Catalina Island.
B.To tell the audience about new books on Santa Catalina.
C.To introduce a training film on baseball.
D.To tell people about the music from the 1930s and 1940s.


    The social network will let users“mute”messages from other users on their timelines without the muted person’s knowledge,thereby avoiding the(36)__________
    process of having to unfollow(取消关注),or put up with,your(37)__________talkative IRL friends.Twitter rolled out new(38)__________to let users better manage the deluge(泛滥)of tweets they receive.
    Users can now“mute”people they follow,removing those people’s tweets and retweets from their own timelines.The muted person won’t know that he or she has been(39)__________.It’s a stealthy way to read less content from certain users without having to unfollow them.A person can easily be muted or(40)__________at any time,Twitter said in a blog post.
    “Mute gives you even more(41)__________over the content you see on Twitter by letting you remove a user’s content from key parts of your Twitter experience,”the company said.
    Though Twitter had been experimenting with the feature in recent weeks,it announced that muting will be(42)__________to all users of the company’s iOS and Android apps,as well as the Twitter.com website.Some other Twitter applications,like TweetDeck,already allowed muting.
    The feature is part of Twitter’s(43)__________strategy to make its service more accessible to a wider range of people.Following a successful initial public offerin9,Twitter’s stock has tumbled in recent months as investors worry about the social network’s(44)__________to attract new users.CEO Dick Costolo(45)__________that Twitter would make changes to its interface this year to make it easier to understand and manage.The company overhauled(彻底检修)user profile pages in April as part of this effort.





A.It is a place where is full ofpeople.
B.It is the name of the travel agency.
C.It is an interesting place that people cail visit.
D.It is a place where people can discover interesting things.

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you hove just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.
Fast food, for the first time ever, now (26)__________ more than half of all the meals eaten outside of the home in the United Kingdom.
The recession, and the subsequent squeeze on (27) __________ income, has encouraged millions of families to (28) __________ spending on luxuries, especially on meals in restaurants. This has encouraged many to (29) __________ to cheaper meals, especially burgers and fried chicken.
According to NPD, the market research company which (30) __________ consumer spending, 5.54 billion visits were made to a fast food chain in the year 2011, out of the 11 billion meals eaten in (31) __________out of the home--be it at a work canteen, restaurant, pub or sandwich shop.
This means that 50.4, percent of all meals eaten out of the home are now at a (32) __________ quick service restaurant, up from 47.3 percent just two years ago. The term "quick service restaurant" is used by the industry to describe any (33) __________where the consumer queues to buy take-away food so this does include coffee shops.
Guy Fielding at NPD said: "It's a lot about trading down. Because fast food has become so cheap, it has driven families in particular away from (34) __________.restaurants and pubs to the fast food chains."
"Families want to know what they are getting. And with the likes of McDonald's or KFC they know it is a(35) __________ experience and good value."

5、 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark "Whether a teacher is competent or not--his or her students have the last word." You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1.
Students' Evaluation of Their Teachers

6、十二生肖(Chinese Zodia)是计算一个人年龄的普遍方式。十二生肖包括十二种动物,分别是鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗和猪,分别对应中国传统文化中的十二地支(twelve Earthly Branches)。中国有很多关于十二生肖的民间故事和传说。其中一个说的是轩辕帝(Yellow Emperor)想选十二种动物作为皇家守卫,猫知道这个消息后告诉了鼠,希望鼠可以提醒他一起去,但是鼠忘记了这件事,单独去了,因此猫没有出现在十二生肖中。自此猫和鼠就成了天敌。

7、如今,如果你告诉别人你会联系对方,他或她可能不会问你什么时候联系,但是会问以什么方式联系。现代科技已经极大的改变了我们的沟通方式,它提供给我们在任何时候都能保持联系的多种方式。对于小型或是中型企业,这意味着对于竞争力的保持来说是巨大的机会,他们了解技术发展的趋势并且能很好地应用自身的优势(appIY thei r own advantages)。

8、在全球变暖的大背景下,低碳经济(| ow-carbon economy)受到越来越多国家的关注。低碳经济是以减少温室气体排放为目标,以低能耗、低污染为基础的经济发展方式。近些年来,科学界以及各国政府已基本达成一致,推行低碳经济是避免气候发生灾难性变化、保持人类可持续发展的有效方法之一。以公众的消费选择引导和鼓励企业开发低碳产品技术,向低碳生产模式转变,终达到减少全球温室气体的效果。

9、舞狮子(Lion dance),是我国的民间艺术。每逢元宵佳节或集会庆典,民间都以狮舞前来助兴。这一习俗起源于三国时期,南北朝时开始流行,至今已有一千多年的历史。狮子为百兽之尊,形象雄伟俊武,给人以威严、勇猛之感。古人将它当作勇敢和力量的象征。认为它能驱邪镇妖、保佑人畜平安。所以人们逐渐形成了在元宵节时及其他重大活动里舞狮子的习俗,以祈望生活吉祥如意,事事平安。

10、微博,即微型博客(micro bIog),一般长度不超过140字,可以通过电脑或手机更新内容或查看页面。通过电脑,当然,更多地是通过手机,在等车、散步或者发呆的时候,人们即可完成与他人的沟通。有网友留言说,在微博上,每个人都是记录者和关注者。任何人都可以用网络或者手机,在短的时间内,发布任何想说的话。微博的流行弥补了被快节奏的现代生活所撕裂的人际关系。

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