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A.He always has his own ideas.
B.He makes decisions all by himself.
C.He lets his parents make big decisions for him.
D.He lets his parents make all the decisions for him.

Can Digital Textbooks Truly Replace the Print Kind?
A.The shortcomings of traditional print edition textbooks are obvious: For starters they're heavy, with the average physics textbook weighing 3.6 pounds.They're also expensive, especially when you factor in the average college student's limited budget, typically costing hundreds of dollars every semester.But the worst part is that print versions of textbooks are constantly undergoing revisions.Many professors require that their students use only the latest versions in the classroom, essentially rendering older texts unusable.For students, it means they're basically stuck with a four pound paperweight that they Can't sell back.
B.Which is why digital textbooks, if they live up to their promise, could help ease many of these shortcomings.But till now, they've been something like a mirage (幻影) in the distance, more like a hazy (模糊的) dream than an actual reality.Imagine the promise: Carrying all your textbooks in a 1.3 pound iPad ? It Sounds almost too good to be true.But there are a few pilot schools already making the transition (过渡) over to digital books.Universities like Cornell.and Brown have jumped onboard.And one medical program at the University of California, Irvine, gave their entire class iPads with which to download textbooks just last year.
C.But not all were eager to jump aboard."People were tired of using the iPad textbook besides using it for reading," says Kalpit Shah, who will be going into his second year at Irvine's medical program this fall."They weren't using it as a source of communication because they couldn't read or write in it.So a third of the-people in my program were using the iPad in class to take notes, the other third were using laptops and the last third were using paper and pencil." The reason it hasn't caught on yet, he tells me, is that the functionality of e-edition textbooks is incredibly limited, and some students just aren't motivated to learn new study behavior.
D.But a new application called Inlding might change all that.The company just released an updated version last week, and it'll be utilized in over 50 undergraduate and graduate classrooms this coming school year."Digital textbooks are not going to catch on," says Inkling CEO Matt MacInnis as he's giving me a demo (演示) over coffee."What I mean by that is the current perspective of the digital textbook is it's an exact copy of the print book.There's Course Smart, etc., these guys who take an image of the page and put it on a screen.If that's how we're defining digital textbooks, there's no hope of that becoming a mainstream product." He calls Inkling a platform for publishers to build rich multimedia content from the ground up, with a heavy emphasis on real-world functionality.The traditional textbook merely serves .as a skeleton.
E.At first glance Inkling is an impressive experience.After swiping (触击) into the iPad app (应用软件), which you can get for free here, he opens up a few different types of textbooks.Up first is a chemistry book.The boot time is pretty fast, and he navigates through (浏览) a few chapters before swiping into afully rendered 3D molecule that can be spun around to view its various building blocks. "Publishers give us all of the source media, artwork, videos," he says. "We help them think through how to actually build something for this platform." Next he pulls up a music composition textbook, complete with playable demos.It's a learning experience that attacks you from multiple sensory directions.It's clear why this would be something a music major would love.
F.But the most exciting part about Inkling, to me, is its notation (批注) system.Here's how it works: When you purchase a used print book, it comes with its previous owner's highlights and notes in the margins.It uses the experience of someone who already went through the class to help improve your reading  (how much you trust each notation is obviously up to you).But with Inkling, you can highlight a piece of content and make notes.Here's where things get interesting, though: If a particularly important passage is highlighted by multiple Inkling users, that information is stored on the cloud and is available for anyone reading the same textbook to come across.That means users have access to notes from not only their classmates and Facebook friends, but anyone who purchased the book across the country.The best comments are then Sorted democratically by a voting system, meaning that your social learning experience is shared with the best and brightest thinkers.As a bonus, professors can even chime in (插话) on discussions.They'll be able to answer" the questions of students who are in their class directly via the interactive b6ok.
G.Of course, Inkling addresses Several of the other shortcomings in traditional print, as well.Textbook versions are constantly updated, motivating publishers by minimizing production costs (the big ones like McGraw-Hill are already onboard).Furthermore, students will be able to purchase sections of the text instead of buying the whole thing, with individual chapters costing as little as $2.99.
H.There are, however, challenges. "It takes efforts to build each book," MacInnis tells me.And it's clear why.Each interactive textbook is a media-heavy experience built from the ground up, and you can tell that it takes a respectable amount of manpower to put together each one.For now the app is also iPad-exclusive, and though a few of these educational institutions are giving the hardware away for free, for other students who don't have such a luxury it's an added layer of cost--and an expensive one at that.
I.But this much is clear: The traditional textbook model is and has been broken for quite some time.Whether digitally interactive ones like Inkling actually take off or not remains to be seen, and we probably won't have a defmite answer for the next few years.However, the solution to any problem begins with a step in a direction.And at.least for now, that hazy mirage in the distance? A little more tangible (可触摸的), a little less of a dream.
The updated version of Inkling works as a platform for building multimedia Content.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

A.Recalling something from one's memory.
B.The preparatory method in exams.
D.Man's mind,


A.See a doctor about her strained shoulder.
B.Use a ladder to help her reach the tea.
C.Replace the cupboard With a new one.
D.Place the tea on a lower shelf next time.

Everybody wants to get wealthy.In today’s(26)_____ world,making money or becoming wealthy symbolizes a person’s success and capability.Many people just make every effort,pay any price to(27)_____ greater wealth.with money,they can buy nice,large(28)_____ in nice neighborhoods;with money they can own stately(29)_____ cars.Wealth seems to bring all happiness in life.
But is wealth the only road to happiness? Not really.There are many things in the world which are beyond(30)_____ money, such as friendship,love,health and knowledge.Many people are so preoccupied with(31)_____ money that they have no time or would not take the time to form or maintain friendship.What happiness can they feel living as lonely,(32)_____ creatures with no true love or friends in the world,even if they(33)_____ tremendous wealth?
In my opinion,people can’t do anything without money,but money is not everything.What money will bring you depends on your personal(34)_____ and goal in life.If you are kind enough to help others.especially the poor,money is a good thing for you.with it,you can do much more for the benefit of people and your country,and it will(35)_____ your own happiness. If you want money just for your own needs,you’ll never be satisfied or happy. In a word,  only if you are generous can money be the source of your happiness.

There was a time when any personal information that was gathered about us was typed on a piece of paper and (26) ________  in a file cabinet.It could remain there for years and, often (27) ________ , never reach the outside world.
Things have done a complete about-face since then.(28) ________  the change has been the astonishingly swift development in recent years of the computer.Today, any data that is collected about us in one place or another--and for one reason or another--can be stored in a computer bank.It can then be easily passed to other computer banks.They are owned by (29) ________ and by private businesses and corporations, lending institutions, direct mailing and telemarketing firms, credit bureaus, credit card companies, and government agencies at the local, state, and (30) ________ level.
A growing number of Americans  are seeing the  accumulation and (31) ________  of
computerized data as a frightening invasion of their privacy.Surveys show that the number of the worrying Americans has been (32) ________   growing over the years as the computer becomes increasingly (33) ________, easier to operate, and less costly to purchase and (34) ________.
In 1970, a national survey showed that 37% of the people questioned felt their privacy was being invaded.Seven years later, 47 percent expressed the same worry.A recent survey by a credit bureau reviewed that the number of alarmed citizens had (35) ________ to 76%.

7、北京有无数的胡同(Hutong)。平民百姓在胡同里的生活给古都北京带来了无穷的魅力北京的胡同不仅仅是平民百姓的生活环境,而且还是一门建筑艺术。通常,胡同内有一个大杂(tenement yard),房间够4~lO个家庭的差不多20口人住。所以,胡同里的生活充满了友善和人情味。如今,随着社会和经济的飞速发展,很多胡同被新的高楼大厦所取代。但愿胡同可以保留下来。

8、故宫(Imperial Palace)位于北京城的中心,是明清两代(Ming and Qing Dynasties)的皇宫,是中国现存的古代木构建筑群。故宫始建于l406年,历时十四年后竣工,迄今已有5000多年的历史。气势雄伟的故宫是中国古建筑艺术的精华,里面保存有大量稀世文物和珍宝,对于研究明清两代及历代艺术具有重要意义。1987年被联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)列入“世界人类文化遗产”。

9、大熊猫是世界上珍贵的动物之一,主要栖息在中国的四川、甘肃和陕西的山区。数量十分稀少,被称为中国的“国宝”。大熊猫是一种哺乳动物,毛色黑白相间,体型肥胖。竹子是大熊猫爱吃的食物,约占食物总量的99%。由于大熊猫对生活环境要求苛刻,食物种类单一,且生育率十分低下。现存大熊猫只有1000只左右。中国政府现已采取多项措施来保护这一濒危动物(endangered spec i es)。

10、新疆位于中国西北部,是中国陆地面积的省级行政区(admi n i strat i ve region),占中国国土总面积的六分之一。新疆既是古代丝绸之路的重要通道,也是现在第二座亚欧大陆桥(EurasjaD Cont i nenta | Br i dge)的必经之地,具有十分重要的战略位置。新疆也是一个很容易让人心驰神往的地方。它拥有浩瀚的沙漠,秀丽的草原以及特殊的习俗风情和民族美食。新疆吐鲁番是葡萄的故乡。据记载,早在2000多年前,这里就开始了葡萄的种植。

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