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来源:233网校 2018年7月6日

56. I don’t think the snow will _____ our plans for a picnic.

A. effect B. affect C. differ D. infer


【解析】affect:影响。affect our plans for a picnic:影响我们野餐的计划。

57. Mr. Smith will be _____ the office next week when the manager is away.

A. in charge of B. in response C. in relation to D. in place of


【解析】in charge of:负…的责任,主管,负责管理。in charge of the office:负责办公室的工作。

58. We need _____ information about the climate before we make our decision.

A. a few B. few C. a little D. little


【解析】a little:少量。用于修饰不可数名词。a few与few修饰可数名词。little也用于修饰不可数名词,但意思是:几乎没有。

59. He warned his students _____ late for the examination next week.

A. don’t be B. not be C. not to be D. to be not


【解析】warn sb. (not) to do sth.警告某人(不)要做某事。

60. The plane will take off at 6:00 pm, so I have to be at the airport 4:00 pm at the latest.

A. after B. until C. since D. by


【解析】by 4:00表示“在四点之前”。四个选项只有by有这个意思。

61. Is there a gas station around _____ I can get some petrol?

A. what B. which C. that D. where


【解析】around:附近,周围。Is there a gas station around:附近有加油站吗?where引导的是gas station的定语从句。

62. It is always difficult to live in a foreign country, _____ if you don’t speak its language.

A. naturally B. extremely C. especially D. basically



63. He gives us a lot of trouble-but I like him _____.

A. by the way B. all the same C. by and by D. over and over


【解析】all the same:仍然。符合句意。

64. He didn’t go into details on the subject, but just spoke _____

A. in particular B. in general C. in short D. in common


【解析】in general:总体上。与go into details形成对比关系。

65. Language, maths and history, _____ the children are also taught music and art.

A. except for B. instead of C. in addition to D. in spite of


【解析】此题答案为C。in addition to...除...之外,包括在内。整句话的意思为:除了语言、数学和历史之外,学生们也被授以音乐和美术。

66. Lozano claimed that the motorcycle driver was trying to run him _____.

A. out B. in C. down D. up


【解析】run down:撞倒。符合句意。

67. We’re had to put _____ our wedding until September.

A. forward B. down C. up D. off


【解析】put off:推迟。符合句意。

68. You can buy these maps at _____ railway station. They all have them.

A. any B. that C. this D. either


【解析】any:任何一个。any railway station:任何一个火车站。

69. Details of the murder were _____ by the local paper.

A. discovered B. revealed C. exposed D. found



70. Don’t play with the burning stick, boys, for it often _____ fire.

A. catches B. makes C. causes D. gets


【解析】cause fire:引起火灾。习惯用法。





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