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  Unit Thirty-Two
  Passage 2
  Perhaps it was only during the dawn of the human race that women 11 stood equal with men. At the beginning, I think both sexes shared equal responsibility for the 12 of the race. Men and women shared in the hunt and in wars. Traces of this ancient tradition can be found, for example, in the Achinese society in North Sumatra, where women fought alongside men against the invading Dutch colonial 13 during the Achinese wars in the 19th century. Some women even became admirals of the Achinese fleet. Other cultures in other parts of the world have had the 14 tradition.
  Perhaps the invention of agriculture 15 the beginning of a
  differentiation between men’s and women’s roles. Men continued to hunt, and women became food gatherers and tended the field. Men 16 became agriculturists as well, when the hunt no longer provided enough sustenance for the community. The biological fact that women 17 children, and that each time they give birth they are 18 , for a time, fully to play their role in the provision of sustenance and other work for the family, slowly gave rise to more distinct men’s and women’s roles. Men who are physically stronger 19 on such " natural" roles as warriors, and in most cases men became chiefs, commanders, and kings. In the 20 of history, as matriarchal systems became minorities in many cultures, the roles of men and women in many societies became increasingly gender-oriented and differentiated.
  A. really B. police C. bear D. course
  E. survival F. later G. forces H. unable
  I. lately J. process K. remarked L. marked
  M. same N. took O. unstable


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