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2011年1月15日来源:新东方在线评论 我的做题记录
导读: The test consists of 3 sections with different types of tasks to test your abilities of English listening, speaking, writing and reading.It will take approximately 2 hours to complete.
  Question 11
  11. Which of the following statements is not true of passengers’ reactions?
  A. Some are thrilled to be able to send SMS messages.
  B. Those traveling short distances don’t like voice calls.
  C. There is considerable opposition as some prefer peace on a flight.
  D. Introduction of in-flight phone etiquette is highly desirable.
  Question 12
  12. Why was the Internet service no longer available on board?
  A. It was technologically unfeasible.
  B. It was a business failure.
  C. Passengers decline to surf the net.
  D. The net speeds aboard are beyond expectation.
  News Item 5
  Questions 13 to 14 will be based on the following video clip.
  1. Cathedral 教区总教堂,大教堂
  2. premier 首要的,著名的
  3. ragpicker 拾荒者
  4. huddle (因寒冷或害怕)挤作一团
  5. rickety 不结实的,摇摇晃晃的
  6. upscale 高档的,高级的
  7. avant-garde 前卫派,前卫派的
  8. sandals 凉鞋
  9. sift through区分,挑选
  10. detergent 洗涤剂
  11. grimy 满是污垢的,肮脏的
  12. boutique 时装店,精品店
  13. slum 贫民窟
  14. Baroque 巴洛克风格的
  Question 13
  13. What is the main topic of this TV program?
  A. Bagselling.
  B. Ragpicking.
  C. Waste recycling.
  D. Pollution.
  Question 14
  14. What probably is the mission of Converse?
  A. To reduce pollution.
  B. To manufacture upscale products.
  C. To help ragpickers rebuild life.
  D. To reuse trash materials.
  Now listen again and answer Questions 15 to 18.
  Question 15
  15. From the program, it can be learned that_________
  A. There is increasing pollution in India.
  B. India is the world’s third largest consumer.
  C. Poor people are benefiting from ragpicking.
  D. Living condition is improving in India .
  Question 16
  16. What is the response to their bags?
  A. They are far too expensive.
  B. They are immensely popular.
  C. They are of usual styles.
  D. They are comparatively fashionable.
  Question 17
  17. What was the situation like when the Ahujas first started out?
  A. There were just 300 workers.
  B. The workers were well trained.
  C. The business seemed unpromising
  D. People were interested in their work.
  Question 18
  18. How do ragpickers feel about the Converse’s project?
  A. They are glad their life quality is improved via the project.
  B. They are surprised the bags are all highly priced.
  C. They are hopeful that it will continue.
  D. They are complaining because of the low pay.


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