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2011年1月15日来源:新东方在线评论 我的做题记录
导读: The test consists of 3 sections with different types of tasks to test your abilities of English listening, speaking, writing and reading.It will take approximately 2 hours to complete.
  Section B Listening-Based Integrated Tasks (Questions 19-48; 45-50 minutes)
  Directions: This section contains four tasks based on the previous recordings.
  Task 1 Listening and Dictation (Questions 19-28; 8 minutes)
  Directions: In this section, you will hear a clip twice. As you listen to it for the first time, fill in the blanks with the exact words you have heard. Check what you have written down while you listen to it for the second time. You will have 30 seconds to check.
  Now, fashion is the name of the game there in Austria, but you might be surprised to learn that some of the most Q19______________ come from one of the most Q20____________ of sources. Satinder Bindra has been finding out.
  A cold start to ragpicker Shankar’s workday. He huddles for Q21____________ by this fire. Then after a simple breakfast of hot milk and toast, he Q22______________ in his rickety cart to keep his first Q23_______________ of the morning.
  Just a short distance away, Rika Hababi is already at work, busy collecting hundreds of such discarded and soiled plastic bags. It’s backbreaking work, but there’s no shortage of these Q24 _________________ of plastic.
  Within an Q25 ________________ growing at almost 8 percent a year, India now consumes 5 million tons of plastic a year and will soon become the world’s third largest consumer after the United States and China. But with growth comes increasing Q26 _____________ . Ragpickers have traditionally helped recycle a lot of this material. But now a Q27________________ nonprofit organization called Conserve has Q28________________ a new idea.
  Task 2 Use of Grammar and Structure (Questions 29-38; 5 minutes)
  Directions: There are ten blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices. You are required to choose the ONE that fits best into the context.
  Q29 ____________ the time being, though, everybody’s focusing on the present; these workers carefully sift through Rika and Shankar’s load of plastic. Then the bags are cut by another group of workers; some of them so poor that before this job they Q30 ___________ never used a Q31____________ of scissors and had to be specially trained to do so. Q32 _______________ the bags are cut, they’re vigorously hand-washed in detergent. After they are aired and dried out, they are once again sorted and stacked into these colorful heaps.
  The plastic is then compressed and heated; and since this technology is still in the process Q33________________, we can't film it. But take a look at this: the rebirth of hundreds of thousands of grimy and soiled plastic bags into eye-catching sheets. These sheets are then stitched into bags, belts, bracelets and shoes by trained craftsmen. Watching and supervising the entire operation are Anita and Shalabh Ahuja, the founders of Converse. From just a few workers Q34 _______________ they first started out two-and-a-half years ago, the Ahujas now hire 300 people. They promote from within the organization and plow everything they earn back into the business.
  For me, it's a humbling experience that I don’t know why it’s fallen on me to do that. But I’m so glad that I had been able to contribute towards improving the lots of a Q35 ________________ bit of people.
  Shalabh Ahuja is an engineer. He’s responsible Q36 ________________ the technical end of operations. His wife Anita is an artist, Q37 ________________ who’s designed all these handbags. The Ahujas now annually export such bags Q38 ________________$150,000 across the world; a far cry from their earlier days, when Anita says it was hard to get people interested in her work.
  29. A. of B. at C. for D. in
  30. A. have never B. had never C. never D. never did
  31. A. pair B. set C. piece D. couple
  32. A. When B. While C. Once D. As
  33. A. patented B. to be patented C. being patented D. of being patented
  34. A. when B. whom C. which D. that
  35. A. little B. few C. much D. whole
  36. A. as B. to C. in D. for
  37. A. one B. the one C. another one D. the other one
  38. A. worth B. worthy C. worth of D. worthy of


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