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  • 第1页:练习试题
1. 回答1-1问题:

A.He refused to take Linda with them.
B.He agreed to take Linda with them.
C.He thought Linda should decide herself.
D.He thought Linda should write something.

2. 听音频:


A.Read the warning tag on it to the woman.
B.Refuse to refund the sweater.
C.Wash the sweater in cool water.
D.Teach the woman how to wash it properly.
3. 根据以下内容回答46-1题
The rise of the sharing economy
A) Last night 40,000 people rented accommodation from a service that offers 250,000 rooms in 30,000 cities in 192 countries. They chose their rooms and paid for everything online. But their beds were provided by private individuals, rather than a hotel chain. Hosts and guests were matched up by Airbnb, a firm based in San Francisco. Since its launch in 2008 more than 4 million people have used it—2.5 million of them in 2012 alone. It is the most prominent example of a huge new "sharing economy", in which people rent beds, cars, boats and other assets directly from each other, co-ordinated via the internet.
B) You might think this is no different from running a bed-and-breakfast (家庭旅店). owning a timeshare (分时度假房) or participating in a car pool. But technology has reduced transaction costs, making sharing assets cheaper and easier than ever—and therefore possible on a much larger scale. The big change is the availability of more data about people and things, which allows physical assets to be divided and consumed as services. Before the internet, renting a surfboard, a power tool or a parking space from someone else was feasible, but was usually more trouble than it was worth. Now websites such as Airbnb. RelayRides and SnapGoods match up owners and renters; smartphones with GPS let people see where the nearest rentable car is parked; social networks provide a way to check up on people and build trust; and online payment systems handle the billing.
What's mine is yours, for a fee
C) Just as peer-to-peer businesses like eBay allow anyone to become a retailer, sharing sites let individuals act as an ad hoc ( 临时的) taxi service, car-hire firm or boutique hotel (精品酒店) as and when it suits them. Just go online or download an app. The model works for items that are expensive to buy and are widely owned by people who do not make full use of them. Bedrooms and cars are the most obvious examples, but you can also rent camping spaces in Sweden, fields in Australia and washing machines in France. As advocates of the sharing economy like to put it, access trumps ( 胜过) ownership.
D) Rachel Botsman, the author of a book on the subject, says the consumer peer-to-peer rental market alone is worth $ 26 billion. Broader definitions of the sharing economy include peer-to-peer lending or putting a solar panel on your roof and selling power back to the gr/d ( 电网). And it is not just individuals: the web makes it easier for companies to rent out spare offices and idle machines, too. But the core of the sharing economy is people renting things from each other.
E) Such "collaborative (合作的) consumption" is a good thing for several reasons. Owners make money from underused assets. Airbnb says hosts in San Francisco who rent out their homes do so for an average of 58 nights a year, making $ 9,300. Car owners who rent their vehicles to others using RelayRides make an average of $250 a month; some make more than $1,000. Renters, meanwhile, pay less than they would if they bought the item themselves, or turned to a traditional provider such as a hotel or car-hire firm. And there are environmental benefits, too: renting a car when you need it, rather than owning one, means fewer cars are required and fewer resources must be devoted to making them.
F) For sociable souls, meeting new people by staying in their homes is part of the charm. Curmudgeons (倔脾气的人) who imagine that every renter is a murderer can still stay at conventional hotels. For others, the web fosters trust. As well as the background checks carried out by platform owners, online reviews and ratings are usually posted by both parties to each transaction, which makes it easy to spot bad drivers, bathrobe-thieves and surfboard-wreckers. By using Facebook and other social networks, participants can check each other out and identify friends ( or friends of friends) in common. An Airbnb user had her apartment trashed in 2011. But the remarkable thing is how well the system usually works.
Peering into the future
G) The sharing economy is a little like online shopping, which started in America 15 years ago. At first, people were worried about security. But having made a successfal purchase from, say, Amazon, they felt safe buying elsewhere. Similarly, using Airbnb or a car-hire service for the first time encourages people to try other offerings. Next, consider eBay, Having started out as a peer-to-peer marketplace, it is now dominated by professional "power sellers" ( many of whom started out as ordinary eBay users). The same may happen with the sharing economy, which also provides new opportunities for enterprise, Some people have bought cars solely to rent them out, for example.
H) Existing rental businesses are getting involved too. Avis, a car-hire fn'm, has a share in a sharing rival. So do GM and Dalmler, two carmakers. In future, companies may develop hybrid (混合的) models, listing excess capacity (whether vehicles, equipment or office.space) on peer-to-peer rental sites. In the past, new ways of doing things online have not displaced the old ways entirely. But they have often changed them. Just as internet shopping forced Wal-mart and Tesco to adapt, so online sharing will shake up transport, tourism, equipment-hire and more.
i) The main worry is regulatory uncertainty. Will room-renters be subject to hotel taxes, for example? In Amsterdam officials are using Airbnb listings to track down unlicensed hotels. In some American cities, peer-to-peer taxi services have been banned after lobbying by traditional taxi firms. The danger is that although some rules need to be updated to protect consumers from harm, existing rental businesses will try to destroy competition. People who rent out rooms should pay tax, of course, but they should not be regulated like a Ritz-Carlton hotel. The lighter rules that typically govern bed-and-breakfasts are more than adequate.
J) The sharing economy is the latest example of the internet's value to consumers. This emerging model is now big and disruptive (颠覆性的) enough for regulators and companies to have woken up to it. That is a sign of its immense potential. It is time to start caring about sharing.

Sharing items such as cars does good to the environment.

4. 听录音:


A. He gives up smoking.
B. lie is under economic crisis.
C. He is fired by his boss.
D. He cannot have a holiday.

5. Questions 61-61 are based on the following passage.
        The number of postgraduate students travelling from non-EU countries to study at UK universities has fallen for the first time in 16 years, fuelling fears that the government's immigration crackdown is discouraging thousands of the brightest students from continuing their studies in Brid.
        Jo Beall, British Council director of education and society, said the fall would cause alarm among UK vice-chancellors (大学行政主管). "The sector was expecting a decline in growth, but the actual reduction in postgraduate numbers is of real concern as international-students make up the m~ority of numbers in many postgraduate courses and research teams in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. ""Attracting the brightest and most ambitious postgraduate and research students is critical if the UK is to maintain its quality reputation for research," Beall said.
        Universities get a third of their tuition (学费) fee revenue from non-EU students. There is growing fear among vice-chancellors that this revenue-as well as the cultural, academic and economic benefit international students bring--is being put at risk.
        Tim Westlake, director for the student experience at Manchester University, said students whose families relied on them working in the UK after their studies to gain experience and repay the fees were starting to look elsewhere.
        Last month the home secretary, Theresa May, announced that embassy staff would interview more than 100,000 applicants in an attempt to prevent bogus (假冒的) ones entering the country. She also said immigrants were responsible for pushing up UK house prices. The comments followed the introduction of new limitations on students' right to work during and after their studies.
        Beall said:" Government statistics for the first time provide real evidence that the changes to UK visa regulations may have discouraged many students from applying to the UK, and in particular postgraduate students Who are so important to the UKs research output. The UK enjoys an eXcellent reputation around the world for the high quality of our education system, so the government needs to ensure that institutions have all the support they need to attract international students who make a tremendous academic, cultural and economic contribution to the UK. "

What has caused the decline of the number of non-EU postgraduates in the UK?
A.The increase in tuition and fees.
B.The ever-rising living expenses.
C.Changed immigration policies.
D.Universities' tightened budgets

6. Questions 61-46 are based on the following passage.
  Politics is an emotional business.Still,many people found themselves unusually moved by the historic presidential inauguration.Watching the huge crowds,we saw laughter,cheers,hugs—but also many tears.
  It made us wonder ,why do people cry ?It is believed that tears must be good for us—a way to calm the mind and cleanse the soul.Yet studies show that crying sometimes makes people feel worse.
  Three researchers in Florida and the Netherlands recently looked more deeply into the subject.
  They examined detailed descriptions of crying experiences.Psychologist Jonathan Rottenberg at the University of South Florida says they wanted to study crying as it happens in everyday life,not in a laboratory.The team analyzed information from the International Study on Adult Crying.As Dart of that study,3,000 people in different countries,mostly college students,wrote about recent crying experiences.They noted causes,surroundings and any people involved in the event.They also reported how they felt after they cried.
Professor Rottenberg says the research showed that all crying experiences are not created equally.
  Crying does not always make a person feel better,he says.About lo percent of people reported feeling worse after they cried.But a third felt better after crying.And a majority reported the experience was helpful.The research showed that people who cry alone may not do as well as those with others around.
People who reached out for emotional support at the time——and received it——reported better resuIts from the crying experience.But those who felt shame or embarrassment while crying were less likely to report that crying had been helpful.
  Research has shown that women cry more often and more intensely than men,but it mav not be to better effect.The new findings did not show that a person’s sex was a predictor of beneficial crying.
  In other words,just because women cry more does not mean they are more likely to have a"good"cry.
  The paper entitled/s Crying Beneficial?appeared in December in Current Directions in Psychologica,Science.Scientists say the science of crying is still in its infancy.

According to the passage,which of the following statements about crying is TRUE?
A.Crying is absolutely good for people’s health.
B.Those crying with others around will feel better than those crying alone.
C.Crying will help a lot for those who felt shame or embarrassment while crying.
D.The benefits of crying are related to a person’s sex.

Driver’s License Test Tips
     A) This article will provide you with some simple tips for passing your driver’s license test.Adequate preparation is absolutely essential,without which any number of driver’s license test tips will be redundant.
     B) Getting a driver’s license is a big step in anyone’s life.It gives an individual the luxury to drive a car anytime he or she pleases,as driving without passing a driver’s license test is against the law.For some people,the stress can be too much to handle and as a result they may mess up on the driver’s license test.There are some simple driver’s license test tips that anyone can follow,to be assured of passing the test and getting their driver’s license.
     C) The most important of all the tips for passing your driver’s license test is to be prepared.This can only be achieved by you through hours and hours of sincere and diligent practice.If you are not sufficiently prepared for your driver’s license test,all the driver’s license tips for passing your driver’slicense test will be utterly pointless and redundant.You can read as many drivers’license test tips as you want,but if you are not practicing enough,then all these driving test tips will be in vain.Enroll ing yourself in driving schools is advisable for this purpose.
     D) Now,if you’re wondering how to prepare for your driving test,the first thing you need to know is what the driving test instructors and officials are going to be looking for.The following are the qualities that the instructors will be on the lookout for and also the parameters that the scoring will be conducted on.
     E) Starting the vehicle:The instructor will be observing you right from the time you start the vehicle.
He will note if you tum your head to look back and if you follow all the safety regulations that are required to be followed while starting a vehicle.Here are some tips on learning to drive a car.
     F) Control of the vehicle:He will pay close attention to how much control you actually have over the vehicle.Your abilities with the gas pedal,the brake,the steering wheel and other controls will be scrutinized.
     G) Steering:Not many road test tips stress on the importance of steering.This quality is closely ana.
lyzed by the instructor and obviously if your steering is wayward(任性的.,the chances of passing the driver’s license test are very slim.
     H) Driving in traffic:Keeping calm and avoiding panic attacks while driving in traffic is of utmost importance.Many people get extremely stressed and nervous,when they are in the midst of traffic and one of the very crucial tips to pass road test for driver’s license is to stay calm and composed when driving in traffic.Also read more on road safety and car safety.
     I) Traffic signs and lane discipline:This is another area that the instructors will be rating you on.Your ability to observe lane discipline and your recognition of the various traffic signs plays a major role in your passing the test.Keep these driver’s license test tips in mind to pass the test in your veryfirst attempt.
     J) Stopping:Stopping the car smoothly and at the right place is a critical skill to have.When the in. structor asks you to stop the car,the timing,the positioning and the technique of doing so are important driving test tips to bear in mind.
     K) Backing up and distance judgment:Your backing up skills and your ability to judge the distances
between your vehicle and other entities will also be carefully scrutinized.If you cannot back up your vehicle satisfactorily ,parking would be very troublesome for you and a major source of hazard to you and to others around you.
     L) Hill parking:One of the essential tips for passing your driver’s license test is to master the art of hill parking.This is not as easy as it seems and can become a major source of anxiety in a driver.If you can display good skills at hill parking,it proves that you have developed good control over the vehicle.
     M) Arm signals and driving etiquette:Another aspect that you will be judged on is your efficiency at giving the right arm signals at the right time.Your respect for other drivers on the road and the amount of courtesy you show them also plays a part in your final rating on the driver’s license test.
Read more about defensive driving techniques and tips and defensive driving courses.
     N) Drivers who are well aware and informed about all the rules and regulations that need to be followed have a beRer chance of clearing their driver’s license test.The primary goal of these driver,slicense test tips is to instill(慢慢灌输.a responsible and mature frame of mind in every individ.
ual.These road test tips will be pointless unless you develop a calm demeanor and tmless you are aware of all the rules that must be followed while driving.
     O) Here are a few more basic drivers’license test tips that you should keep in mind when vou,re leaming how to prepare for your driving test.Always use the restroom before your test begins.Not doing so will cause more anxiety during the test.Memorize all the traffic signs and their significance well in advance before the test.Use your rear view mirrors efficiently and regularly.Ensure that you are well on time for your test and are carrying all the required documents and paperwork.Get adequate sleep the previous night and do not give the test with an empty stomach.Stick to the permitted speed limit.Do not drive too fast and do not drive too slow either.
     P) Passing a driver’s license test is not simple and unless you are well versed in driver education.You could face a lot of difficulties.At the end of the day,remember that the instructors also want you to pass the test,so do your best to stay calm and composed and believe in your ability to pass the test.
     This cannot be reinstated enough,but the key to passing your driver’s license test is practice.

According to this article,the importance of steering is emphasized by not many road test tips.
8. This is the first time(听到他们用法语交流).
9. 回答{TSE}题:
  A)Are you at a loss for creative book report ideas for your students?If yes.then this article will help you make reading and reviewing books more creative for your class.In an age of PSPs,Xbox,anime and gaming arcades,reading has lost its foothold in the list of hobbies that children tend to cite.
  Most of the reading that kids do today,comes in the form of compulsory books that they need to read for school and maybe that is the reason they find reading to be an insurmountable and boring task.If you want to inculcate the love for languages and literary masterpieces in your students and want them to devour books everyone should read,then a good way of going about the same would be to get them to start working on creative book report ideas.While working on creative ideas for book reports,your students will have to understand the book in a way that allows them to come up with new ways to present to the class,the essence of the book.
  B)As a teachel while egging your students to activate their creative gray cells.you will have to help them out with basic ideas that they can work on.Depending on the age bracket that your students belong to,the creative book report ideas will vary.This is so,not just because of the varying attention spans that children of various age groups posses but also because of the amount of work that kids can put into the report.While a middle school student wiIl be comfortable handling a handy cam,a student from elementary school will be more fascinated if he is working with paints and puppets.So do you want to know how to write a book report creatively?In this article.we will list out for you,a couple of good creative book report ideas for elementary students and for middle school students.
  C)A book report sandwich is a good creative idea for book reports.As a teacher you can get drawings of a sandwich on sheets of Paper that are of the color of the ingredients of your sandwich,for example,a cream sheet of paper to resemble mayonnaise,red to represent tomato and likewise.Ob.
viously,each ingredient should be cut in a way that when assembled together,it looks like a sandwich.Now,give each of your students one of these book sandwiches to create their book report.
It can start with the name of the book and the author’s name on the top slice of the sandwich.The second ingredient can have the summary of the book on it.Each subsequent ingredient can have a description of the main characters,the setting of the book,the plot,and then his or her views about the book.Once they are done with their book reports,they can staple the book sandwich together and then,you can create a class bulletin board with all the book report sandwiches on display.
  D)One of the good techniques to retell a story,it is also one of the favorite creative book report ideas among students.The job that the student will have is to read the book and then pick a few objects at his/her home which will allow him/her to retell the story in a way that makes it interesting for his/ her audience.Every time he/she picks out an object from the bag to report the book he/she has read, there has to be a valid connection between the book and the object,which the student can first ask the audience to guess and then go ahead and explain it.This idea is spin—off on the normal show and tells and allows for an interactive book report session.
  E)This is one of the creative ideas for book reports in which.as the teacher, you will have to divideyour class into groups and give them one book each.The students can then read the book and get together and write a play and act it out for the class.To give a deeper insight into the book,one of the students can play the role of the author and as a group,the students can try and recreate the thought Drocess of the author.The student playing the role of the author can then interrupt the play at lmportant iunctllres and talk about the reasons for these twists in the play and how he/she came up with these plot lines.
  F)As a voung adult,your student’s fascination may go beyond the immediate concerns of the book.
  He/she may want to understand the circumstances in which the book was written,the times then,the events happening in the world and get the author’s perspective about the book.Encourage your students to mink on those lines.Divide the class into pairs and give each pair one book to read.Let them then do the roles of the author and a journalist.You can have an interview session in front of the class.enabling them to dissect the book and get a peek into the author’s world.
  G)In a technology—obsessed world,it maybe a very tiny minority of your class that does not get excited with the Drospect of shooting a film.One of the best creative book report ideas for middle school, you will need to divide the class into groups and give them at least two months to adapt the book that thev have been assigned,into a film.The movie should have a well—adapted screenplay,and allother prerequisites,like a lighting engineer,sound engineer, costume designer,etc.At the end of the given time,the film can be screened in front of the class and then discussed.
  H)If you are on the lookout for good individual creative book report ideas,then this one could be for you.Assign every student a book and then ask them to start maintaining a diary,from the author’sDoint of vie w.Ask them to come up with imaginary incidents from the author’s life and use historical events to explain why the author wrote the book in a certain manner.Alternately, you can also ask your students to give a surrogate ending to the story.
  I)These are just few of the options that you could use to inspire your students to come up with creative book report ideas.As kids we tend to be more imaginative and creative .Encourage your students to mink om of the box and appreciate them for their efforts.This will help you have a class that is not only lively and inquisitive by nature but also a class that will cultivate a love for words.

Teachers can create a class bulletin board to display all the book report sandwiches after their students finish their reports.
10.         没有人知道中国的汽车市场终会有多大。对中国汽车年销售量的估计从2 500万辆变化到了7 500万辆,是前面数据的三倍。但如果日益严重的交通堵塞超过了中国正在积极地进行公路建设的速度,中国汽车市场的需求可能将受到严重制约(be restrained)。此外,不断上涨的进口油价格可能会迫使中国政府进一步限制公众自驾汽车出行。

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