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  • 第1页:练习试题


A.The woman is now working in a kindergarten.
B.The man will soon start a business of his own.
C.The man would like to be a high school teacher.
D.The woman is going to major in child education.

2、Questions are based on the following passage.
  Large companies need a way to reach the savings of the public at large. The same problem, on asmaller scale, faces practically every company, trying to develop new products and create new jobs.There can be little prospect of raising the sort of sums needed from friends and people we know, andwhile banks may agree to provide short-term finance, they are generally unwilling to provide money on a permanent basis for long-term projects. So companies turn to the public, inviting people to lend themmoney, or take a share in the business in exchange for a share in future profits. This they do by issuingstocks and shares in the business through the Stock Exchange. By doing so, they can put into circulationthe savings of individual and institutions, both at home and overseas.
  When the saver needs his money back, he does not have to go to the company with whom he originally placed it. Instead, he sells his shares through a stockbroker to some other saver who is seekingto invest his money.
  Many of the services needed both by industry and by each of us are provided by the Governmentor by local authorities. Without hospitals, roads, electricity, telephones, railways, this country could notfunction. All these require continuous spending on new equipment and new development if they are to serve us properly, requiring more money than is raised through taxes alone. The Government, localauthorities, and nationalized industries therefore frequently need to borrow money to finance major capital spending, and they too, come to the Stock Exchange.
  There is hardly a man or woman in this country whose job or whose standard of living does not depend on the ability of his or her employers to raise money to finance new development. In one wayor another, this new money must come from the savings of the country. The Stocky Exchange exists top rovide a channel through which these savings can reach those who need finance.
Almost all companies trying to develop new products and creating new jobs have to
A.persuade the banks to provide long-term finance
B.rely on their own financial resources
C.borrow large sums of money from friends and relatives
D.depend on the population as a whole for finance


A.She is going to stay at home.
B.She is going to fix the telephone.
C.She is going to call the telephone company.
D.She is going to work in the telephone company.

4、Yesterday Jane left the meeting early.Otherwise,she_______(可能会说一些后来会懊悔的话).

5、 第32题为(  )


7、苏州街原称买卖街(Merchants Street),乾隆时(Emperor Qianlong’s reign)仿江南水乡(SouthChina towns)而建,是专供清代帝后逛市游览的的一条水街,一八六零被英法联军(Angl0—FrenchAllied Forces)焚毁,一九九零年在遗址上复建。街全长三百余米,以水当街,以岸作市,沿岸设有茶馆、酒楼、药房、钱庄、帽店、珠宝铺、点心铺(grocery store)等六十多个铺面,集中展现了十八世纪中国江南的商业文化氛围。




10、 Flat Marriage
1. 有人赞成裸婚
2. 有人则反对
3. 我的看法

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