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  • 第1页:练习试题
Experts in the food industry are thinking a lot about trash these days. Food waste has been a serious problem for restaurants and grocery stores—with millions of tons lost along the way as crops are hauled hundreds of miles, stored for weeks in refrigerators and prepared on busy restaurant assembly lines. Restaurants, colleges, hospitals and other institutions are compensating for the rising costs of waste in novel ways. "We have all come to work with this big elephant in the middle of the kitchen, and he elephant is this ' It's okay to waste' belief system," said Andrew Shackman, president of LeanPath. A company that helps restaurants cut back food waste. Freshman students at Virginia Tech were surprised this year when they entered two of the campus’s biggest dining halls to find there were no cafeteria trays. “ You have to go back and get your silverware and your drink, but it's not that different,” said Caitlin Mew born, a freshman. “It's not a big deal. You take less food, and you don't eat more than you should. ” Getting rid of trays has cut food waste by 38 percent at the cafeterias, said Denny Cochrane, manager of Virginia Tech's sustainability program. Before the program began, students often grabbed whatever looked good at the buffet (自助餐), only to food at the table that their eyes were bigger than their stomachs, he said.

According to the first paragraph,
A. lots of food are wasted as crops are hauled from far away
B. food waste is the most serious problems for restaurants and stores
C. experts put forward many proposals to solve the issue of trash
D. .busy restaurant assembly lines produce millions of tons of trash

2、Questionsare based on the following passage
One thing about Huawei is easy to understand:its(36)__________.In Parison May 7th the Chinese telecoms company showed off the Ascend P7,a sleek smart phone(37)__________with the speedy fourth-generation mobile-phone networksbeing built in many countries.
Huawei started pushing its own brand of smartphones only in 201 1,but by 2013 it was the world’s third-biggestvendor.(38)__________it isstill far behind the leaders,Apple and Samsung:it hopes that phones like the P7 will help it(39)__________the gap.In 2013 this part of its operations brought in about 70%of its revenueof 239 billion yuan.
Huawei’s(40)__________and management are less well understood.Some American politicians and competitors regard the company aslittle better than a front for the Chinese state,partlybecause Ren Zhengfei,its chief(41)__________,was an engineer in the People’sLiberation Army before he founded Huawei in l 987.Itsnetwork equipment has in effect been(42)__________out of the American market.However,Huawei has A.ways denied being under thestate’s thumb.
Unlike Alibaba and other Chinese technologycompanies that have sought stock market listings,Huawei has no such plans.Huawei’s system,he believes,fosters a(43)__________viewthat will help it overtake listed competitors.Nor doeshe think that going public would(44)__________Huawei’s difficulties in America.“Itmight take ten or 20 years for the United States to know that Huawei is acompany with(45)__________,”he said.Meanwhile,Huaweiwill put its energy into more welcoming markets.

3、 回答题
    When companies consider their benefits mix.coverage for medical care is often top.of-mind.Yet there may be another,even more powerful concern driving employee coverage preferences:vision care.Roughly 75%of adults in the United States require some type of vision correction.and 84 percent of adults believe that vision benefits are somewhat or very important to them.As a result.vision assistance is moving higher and higher on the list of sought.after employee benefits.
    What’s driving the trend?One factor is the increasing power of eye examinations to detect systemic illness.In addition to identifying nearsightedness,farsightedness and astigmatism,routine eye exanls now play a role in diagnosing conditions such as diabetes,brain aneurysms(脑动脉瘤),liver disease and stroke risk.
    Early identification,in turn,translates into markedly lower expenditures for employers.In 2014,eye problems will cost companies an estimated$8 billion in reduced productivity.Making sure employees get the right eye care helps employers reduce these losses.At the same time,it boosts their ability to retain loyal workers.
    So what’s the best way to get patients into the exam chair?One way is to provide a vision plan that lowers out-of-pocket(自已付费的)expenses.Indeed,research shows that out-of-pocket expense--not premiums--is the number-one factor employees consider when choosing a-vision plan.“And that’s just smart.”says independent insurance broker Shannon Enders.“Premiums make up only about 30 percent of total out.of-pocket expenses.So it pays to100k beyond the premium and see the real cost of a plan.”
    A study conducted by Service Excellence Group Inc.,a leading market research company,shows how the right vision insurance plan can result in across—the-board(全面的)savings for employees.The study compared the prices customers with different insurance plans paid for the same popular pair of eyeglasses at independent doctors and retail chains.It found that customers with insurance plans that were most successful at keeping out-of-pocket expenses low saved hundreds of dollars.
    With eyeglasses becoming as much of a fashion accessory(装饰品)as a vision aid,forward-thinking companies are beginning to take note.Enders says more of his clients are saying yes to vision care plans.“Employees care about their eyes,”he says.“And offering benefits packages with the features employees care most about will become an even more important corporate strategy going forward.”

What is the meaning of the last sentence of paragraph one?
A.Vision assistance is listed on the list of popular worker interests.
B.Vision assistance is becoming more and more popular among employees。
C.Vision assistance is considered as one of the employee benefits.
D.Vision assistance is the top concern of the employees.

4、 第27题为(  )

5、 __________

6、 __________

7、中国人认为人生来就得辛勤劳动。中国式的管理方式鼓励员工之间的合作,也鼓励普通员工和管理人员之间的合作,使员工有一种参与感和成就感的喜悦,使他们对自己的工作产生一种自豪感。大多数中国人想 从他们的工作中找到生活的意义和乐趣。美国人欣赏中国人对工作的敬业精神,他们认为中国人将工作视为 成为团体中一份子的必不可缺的条件。

8、十二生肖(Chinese Zodia)是计算一个人年龄的普遍方式。十二生肖包括十二种动物,分别是鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗和猪,分别对应中国传统文化中的十二地支(twelve Earthly Branches)。中国有很多关于十二生肖的民间故事和传说。其中一个说的是轩辕帝(Yellow Emperor)想选十二种动物作为皇家守卫,猫知道这个消息后告诉了鼠,希望鼠可以提醒他一起去,但是鼠忘记了这件事,单独去了,因此猫没有出现在十二生肖中。自此猫和鼠就成了天敌。

9、You should write an essay entitled The Power ofUnite by commenting on the remark“A snowflake is olqe ofGod's mostfragile creations,but look what they can do when they stick together!”You can cite examples to illustrate yourpoint.

10、You shouM write a short essay based on thefo#owing question.
Suppose you are going to prepare a gift for your mother’s birthday.What gift would you like to choose and why?

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