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  • 第1页:练习试题
1、 根据材料,回答题:
        With the unemployment rate topping 8% and the government $16 trillion in debt, it's easy to question why taxpayers are spending $ 2.5 billion on an SUV- sized Mars rover (探测车) named Curiosity, which landed successfully on the red planet in the early hours of Monday.  Couldn't this money go toward something closer to home, such as providing shelter for the homeless or building roads? Yes, it could. But this kind of thinking is shortsighted.
        The Mars project is the latest manifestation of America's restless desire to answer previously unanswerable questions and take on new challenges. To paraphrase President John F. Kennedy, America does things like this not because they are easy, but because they are hard.
        Getting the probe down safely on Mars, after a 350 million mile journey, was certainly no easy feat. Virtually all the technology used in the approach and landing was new, or used in new ways. Once settled in, Curiosity should be a particularly awe-inspiring project. It is designed to shed light on big questions: Could life forms have ever existed on Mars? Might they still exist? And are we alone in the universe ?
        When budgets are tight, space projects such as Curiosity come in for particular abuse. They are often portrayed as complicated flights of odd ideas. They are not. They are both inspirational and immensely practical. Technology is, after all, an engine of economic growth. If that is a goal, as well it should be, why not support a program that makes science exciting and showcases some of the most interesting things that. technology can do? One of the main benefits of projects like this one is to promote a confident America. Throughout history, nations that explore, and engage in science, lead the world. Beginning in the 15th century, for example, European nations sent sailors around the globe and provided the impetus for thinkers such as Copernicus, Galileo and Newton to invent modern physics and astronomy. Not coincidentally, Europe came to dominate the world until the dawn of the 20th century.
        Those who would slash space program budgets apparently haven't learned history's lessons and don't see the great possibilities that the future presents--possibilities reflected in every image transmitted back from the rover.

Why is it easy to question why taxpayers' money is spent on Curiosity?
A.Because Curiosity costs too much money.
B.Because the economic situation is depressed.
C.Because the money should be spent on the people.
D.Because Curiosity is meaningless and impractical.



A.He wants to open an account.
B.He wants to withdraw some cash.
C.He wants to deal witll the problem with his bank statement.
D.BothB andC

3、 第30题为(  )

4、        没有人知道中国的汽车市场终会有多大。对中国汽车年销售量的估计从2 500万辆变化到了7 500万辆,是前面数据的三倍。但如果日益严重的交通堵塞超过了中国正在积极地进行公路建设的速度,中国汽车市场的需求可能将受到严重制约(be restrained)。此外,不断上涨的进口油价格可能会迫使中国政府进一步限制公众自驾汽车出行。


I’ve won two dollars in this lottery! Who says we don’t live in an opportunity society?

6、“一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨”。从这句耳熟能详的俗语中可见早餐对人体健康的重要性。早晨应要有足够的营养摄入(nutr i t i ona |jntake)。以保证有一个良好的工作和生活状态。欧美人非常重视早餐。他们认为早餐若吃得舒服,即表示今天一天会有愉快、满意的时光。有些人甚至利用早餐时间,边吃边谈生意。然而根据营养学家的调查发现。目前还有很多人没有养成吃早餐的习惯或是吃早餐过于随意。


8、黄河是我国第二长河,世界第五长河,源于青海巴颜喀拉山,干流贯穿九个省区。早在80万年前的旧石器时代,中华民族的祖先就在黄河流域过着狩猎、采集的生活。在中国历史上,黄河及沿岸流域给人类文明带来了巨大的影响,是中华民族主要的发源地之一。人们常说黄河是中华民族的摇篮,称之为“母亲河”。而如今黄河污染形势十分严峻,保护黄河是每个人不可推卸的责任(i ncumbent ob I i gat;oll)。

9、中国是世界上发现与使用蚕丝早的国家,人们在四五千年前就已经开始养蚕了。随着蚕丝的使用,刺绣工艺也逐渐兴起。宋代时期,崇尚刺绣服装的风气已逐渐在民间广泛流行,这也促使了中国刺绣工艺(Chi nese Embroj dery)的发展。刺绣的用途广泛,包括生活和艺术装饰等。刺绣作为中国的民族传统工艺,在国外也享有很高的声誉,是中国文化艺术的杰出代表之一。

10、中国高速客运铁路。常被简称为“中国高铁”。它作为现代社会的一种新的运输方式。有着运载能力大、运输效率高、运行速度快、节能环保等特点。在运载能力和效率上,一趟列车可以运送1000多人,每隔5分钟就可以开出一趟列车;在运行速度上,目前设计时速可达350公里;在节能环保上,高速铁路是绿色交通工具,非常适应节能减排(energy-say i ng and em i ss i on-reduct;on)的要求。

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