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  • 第1页:练习试题
1、 Questions are based on the following passage.
        The number of postgraduate students travelling from non-EU countries to study at UK universities has fallen for the first time in 16 years, fuelling fears that the government's immigration crackdown is discouraging thousands of the brightest students from continuing their studies in Brid.
        Jo Beall, British Council director of education and society, said the fall would cause alarm among UK vice-chancellors (大学行政主管). "The sector was expecting a decline in growth, but the actual reduction in postgraduate numbers is of real concern as international-students make up the m~ority of numbers in many postgraduate courses and research teams in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. ""Attracting the brightest and most ambitious postgraduate and research students is critical if the UK is to maintain its quality reputation for research," Beall said.
        Universities get a third of their tuition (学费) fee revenue from non-EU students. There is growing fear among vice-chancellors that this revenue-as well as the cultural, academic and economic benefit international students bring--is being put at risk.
        Tim Westlake, director for the student experience at Manchester University, said students whose families relied on them working in the UK after their studies to gain experience and repay the fees were starting to look elsewhere.
        Last month the home secretary, Theresa May, announced that embassy staff would interview more than 100,000 applicants in an attempt to prevent bogus (假冒的) ones entering the country. She also said immigrants were responsible for pushing up UK house prices. The comments followed the introduction of new limitations on students' right to work during and after their studies.
        Beall said:" Government statistics for the first time provide real evidence that the changes to UK visa regulations may have discouraged many students from applying to the UK, and in particular postgraduate students Who are so important to the UKs research output. The UK enjoys an eXcellent reputation around the world for the high quality of our education system, so the government needs to ensure that institutions have all the support they need to attract international students who make a tremendous academic, cultural and economic contribution to the UK. "
What has caused the decline of the number of non-EU postgraduates in the UK?
A.The increase in tuition and fees.
B.The ever-rising living expenses.
C.Changed immigration policies.
D.Universities' tightened budgets


A Battle is Looming over Renewable Energy,and Fossil Fuel Interests are Losing
A. In state capitals across the country,legislators are debating proposals to roll back environmental rules,prodded by industry and advocacy groups eager to curtail(缩减)regulations aimed at curbing greenhouse gases.
B.The measures,which have been introduced in about 18 states,lie at the heart of an effort to expand to the state level the battle over fossil fuel and renewable energy.The new rules would trim or abolish climate mandates--including those that require utilities to use solar and wind energy,as well as proposed Environmental Protection Agency rules that would reduce carbon emissions from power plants.
C.But the campaign—despite its backing from powerful groups such as Americans for Prosperity—has run into a surprising roadblock:the growing political clout of renewable-energy interests,even in rock-ribbed Republican states such as Kansas.
D. The stage has been set for what one lobbyist called“trench warfare”as moneyed interests on both sides wrestle over some of the strongest regulations for promoting renewable energy.And the issues are likely to surface this fall in the midterm elections,as well,with Califomia billionaire Tom Steyer pouring money into various gubernatorial(州长的)and state and federal legislative races to back candidates who support tough rules curbing pollution.
E.The multi-pronged conservative effort to roll back regulations,begun more than a year ago,is supported by a loose,well.funded confederation that includes the U.S.Chamber of Commerce,the National Association of Manufacturers and conservative activist groups such as Americans for Prosperity,a politically active nonprofit organization founded in part by brothers David and Charles Koch.These groups argue that existing government rules violate free-market principles and will ultimately drive up costs for consumers.
F.The proposed measures are similar from state to state.In some cases,the legislative language matches or closely resembles model bills and resolutions offered by the American Legislative Exchange Council(ALEC),a free-market.oriented group of state lawmakers underwritten in part by Exxon Mobil,Koch Industries,Duke Energy and Peabody Energy.“Now more than ever is the time for states to lead the way,”ALEC’s top officials told its members at a meeting in December.
G.The coalition campaigns have achieyed only symbolic victories in a few states.Nonbinding resolutions critical of the EPA power plant proposals have been approved in Alabama,Georgia,Nebraska,West Virginia and Wyoming.Three other states--Louisiana.Missouri and Ohio—are weighing legislation similar to the ALEC model.
H.Only one of the 18 state legislatures has approved a more substantive measure that would replace the EPA’s power plant rules.And even that bill.in Kentucky,could backfire by giving up a chance for the state to design its own program and forcing it to accept a federal compliance program.
I.“Clean energy is beginning to become mainstream,”said Gabe Eisner,executive director of the Energy and Policy Institute,a clean-energy think tank in Washington.“Renewable energy is popular and has increased political power now,”but,he added,“that power is still eclipsed by the resources of the fossil fuel industry.”
A surprisingly tough fight
J.Kansas might be the best place to see how these dynamics are unfolding.
K.The state was a promising choice for a foray(攻击)against rules known as renewable-energy standards.which set minimum levels of renewable-energy use by electric utilities.Variations of these rules have been adopted in about 30 states.even though Congress did not pass a federal version of the requirement.In Kansas,a law passed in 2009 requires utilities to use wind and solar power to generate
at least 15 percent of their electricity bv 2016 and 20 percent by 2020.
L.The coalition seeking the repeal of the renewable mandate had all the ingredients for success.Financial.muscle came from the Kansas Chamber of Commerce,which lobbied heavily for repeal.In addition,the state is home to Koch Industries,the Koch brothers’Wichita-based energy conglomerate(集团).The state representative for Wichita,Republican Dennis Hedke,has called the company“one of the greatest success stories in the world”and said“they are making very positive contributions.”Hedke
chairs the state House’s Energy and Environment Committee.
M.Koch Industries,along with the utility industry’s Edison Electric Institute and the nation’s biggest coal company,Peabody Energy,have supported ALEC.which advised state lawmakers on repeal strategy.
N.“Koch has consistently opposed all subsidies and mandates across the board.especially as it relates to energy policy,”Philip Ellendea president and chief operating officer of Koch Companies Public Sector,said in a statement,citing the company’s opposition to the renewable fuel standard,wind production tax credit and ethanol(乙醇)mandate.“Government should not mandate the allocation or use of natural resources and raw materials in the production of goods.”
O.The ideological case was supported by conservative think tanks.Kansans for Liberty supposed repeal.and the state branch of Americans for Prosperity told supporters that“green energy mandates replace the free-market with bureaucratic government oversight,driving up costs for hard—working Kansas families.”The national group has spent$300.000 in the state pushing for the rollback of renewable standards.
P.Connections to key Kansas politicians also were stron9.Both the Kansas state Senate’s president.Susan Wagle,and the speaker of the state House,Ray Merrick,are members of the ALEC board and backed repeal.“The repeal of the RPS[Renewable Portfolio Standards]fits in line with the goals of the organization,”said Wagle,who said she joined ALEC in the 1990s in connection with her opposition to health-care reforln led by Hillary Rodham Clinton.then the first lady.
Q.Moreover’the Kansas economy relies heavily on fossil fuels.The state iS the nation’s 10th.1argest producer of crude oil and l 2th-largest of natural gas,according to the federal Energy Information Administration.In 2013,coal-fired power plants provided 61 percent of the state’s electricity,well above the national average.But the strong winds that blow across Kansas have carried new interests into the state.Kansas ranks sixth in the country in wind output,which jumped by a third last year and equaled 19 percent of the state’s electricity,the EIA says.
R. The growing number of wind farms not only generates power but royalties for landowners.Dorothy Barnett,executive director of the Climate and Energy Project,said that Kansas landowners receive more than$1 3 million a year.“This issue is an issue that touches rural Kansans,and we have a lot of rural Kansas legislators,”she said.

Resolutions with no binding force which are picky about the EPA power plant proposals have been accepted in many states such as Alabama and Georgia.

3、Directions:For this part,you are A.lowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below.
You should start your essay with a brief account of college students offering aid Education and then illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon.You should write at least 120 words and no more than 180 words.

Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.
You shoud write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.
Directions:For this part,you are A.lowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.You shouM write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.
Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.You shouM write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.


6、新疆位于中国西北部,是中国陆地面积的省级行政区(admi n i strat i ve region),占中国国土总面积的六分之一。新疆既是古代丝绸之路的重要通道,也是现在第二座亚欧大陆桥(EurasjaD Cont i nenta | Br i dge)的必经之地,具有十分重要的战略位置。新疆也是一个很容易让人心驰神往的地方。它拥有浩瀚的沙漠,秀丽的草原以及特殊的习俗风情和民族美食。新疆吐鲁番是葡萄的故乡。据记载,早在2000多年前,这里就开始了葡萄的种植。

7、在如今的信息化时代,网络团购(On | i Re group-buy i ng)作为一种新的销售方式,以其价格便宜、形式新颖灵活,深受年轻人以及时尚人士的追捧。截止到201 1年7月,全国团购网站已经超过5000家。但是。消费者在享受网络团购带来的实惠时也出现了一些问题,如假冒产品、服务缩水、价格欺诈等现象。据消费者协会调查,近期接到的有关网络团购的投诉呈上升趋势。消费者们在购物时应保持清醒的头脑。

8、舞狮子(Lion dance),是我国的民间艺术。每逢元宵佳节或集会庆典,民间都以狮舞前来助兴。这一习俗起源于三国时期,南北朝时开始流行,至今已有一千多年的历史。狮子为百兽之尊,形象雄伟俊武,给人以威严、勇猛之感。古人将它当作勇敢和力量的象征。认为它能驱邪镇妖、保佑人畜平安。所以人们逐渐形成了在元宵节时及其他重大活动里舞狮子的习俗,以祈望生活吉祥如意,事事平安。

9、You should start your essay with a briefdescription of the picture and then express your views on the problem oftrust crisis. 


10、You should start your essay with a briefdescription ofthe phenomenon ofstudying abroad,and then explain the reasonsfor choosing to shdy overseas. 


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