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Work.1ife Balance:Flex Appeal
A.Georgina Blizzard and Nicky Inlrie decided they needed to find a more flexible worldng pattern whenthey became mothers.Having had jobs in public relations,which involved long hours and a lot ofpressure,they felt their old style of working would not suit their new responsibilities and decided tofind a way to make the work they enjoyed fit in with their changed U、陀s.They launched the PRNetwork in 2005,when Blizzard’s eldest daughter,Isabella was just three months old.Both womenwork a three—day week,  and built the rnunmg  of the company around the  sort of flexibility theyneeded.ney offer the salne level of flexibility to the free/ance(自由职业的.associates,matchingcompanies of all sizes looking for freelance support with workers with the right skill set who arehappy to take on contracts that fit in with their preferred pattern of hours.
B、ⅥⅦle technology now enables many workers to do their things from anywhere,at any time,recentlydeveloped forms of“extremely flexible”working are providing a way into the workplace for morepeople with lifestyles that can’t easily accommodate a regular working pattern.Shakmg up theworkplace does not just help individuals.Wingham Rowan,founder of Slivers-of-Time,a socialenterprise that has devised a system allowing people to sell their available working time through anonline marketplace,believes extremely flexible working could hold the key to a brighter future foremployment in the UK.“We have to start thinking in terms of work,not jobs,”says Rowan.
have adopted flexible working practices as a way of samg jobs during the recession,”says GillianNissim,founder of Workingmums.c0.uk. “We hope this will not just be a stop-gap measure to savemoney but will bring lasting changes to the UICs working culture.maldng it easier for women and mento balance work and family life and giving employers the diverse and committed workforce they needto thrive.”
Shaking up the workplace not only helps individuals but is the key to a brighter future for employment in the UK.


A. He suffered from mental illness. 
B. He bought The Washington Post.
C. He turned a failing newspaper into a success.
D. He was once a reporter for a major newspaper.


A.The lack of time.
B.The quality of life.
C.The frustrations at work.
D.The pressure on worldng families.


A.Give his ankle a good rest.
B.Treat his injury immediately.
C.Continue his regular activities.
D.Be careful when climbing steps.

Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.
In the second half of the twentieth century, many countries of the South ( 发展中国家) began to send students to the industrialized countries for further education. They urgently needed supplies of highly trained personnel to implement a concept of development based on modernization.
But many of these students decided to stay on in the developed countries when they had finished their training. At the same time, many professionals who did return home but no longer felt at ease there also decided to go back to the countries where they had studied.
In the 1960s, some Latin American countries tried to solve this problem by setting up special "return" programs to encourage their professionals to come back home. These programs received support from international bodies such as the International Organization for Migration, which in 1974 enabled over 1,600 qualified scientistsand technicians to return to Latin America.
In the 1980s and 1990s, "temporary return" programs were set up in order to make the best use of trained personnel occupying strategic positions in the developed countries. This gave rise to the United Nations Development Program's Transfer of Knowledge through Expatriate ( 移居国外的 ) Nationals, which encourages technicians and scientists to work in their own countries for short periods. But the brain drain (人才流失) fromthese countries may well increase in response to the new laws of the international market in knowledge.
Recent studies forecast that the most developed countries are going to need more and more highly qualified professionals around twice as many as their educational systems will be able to produce, or so it is thought. As a result there is an urgent need for developing countries which send students abroad to give preference to fields where they need competent people to give muscle to their own institutions, instead of encouraging the training of people who may not come back because there are no professional outlets for them. And the countries of the South must not be content with institutional structures that simply take back professionals sent abroad, they must introduce flexible administrative procedures to encourage them to return. If they do not do this, the brain drain is bound to continue.
Which of the following is NOT correct according to the passage?
A.The developing countries believe that sending students to the industrialized countries is a good way to meet their own needs for modernization.
B.The South American countries have been sending students to developed countries since the 1920s.
C.Many people trained abroad remain in the developed countries instead of coming back to serve their home countries.
D.The International Organization for Migration successfully helped more than 1,600 professionals to return to their own countries in a single year.

6、Electronic cigarettes will face new(36)__________in the US,the US Food and Drug Administration(37)__________yesterday.These will include curbs on sales to minors and distribution of free samples,as well as provisions forcing manufacturers to place health warnings on packaging.
The long-awaited proposals—which also demand that the manufacturers should disclose all the ingredients in details and make claims of(38)__________risk only if scientifically validated--are less stringent(严厉的)than the Europe legislations voted on in February.(39)__________the proposed restrictions doing nothing to control advertising or curbing the sale off lavored products with names such as“Very Berrylicious”,(40)__________of e-cigarettes claim that they are more(41)__________and scientific than the EU rules.
“This is much less onerous than the European Tobacco Products directive,”says Gerry Stimson,a UKconsultant who supports“least harm"’solutions to health problems.“It is clear that the FDA process,(42)__________the EU,follows the science,but this is just a first step and the regulatory process could take years,during which the products and the market will develop.”
The proposals will likely(43)__________further debate for and against e-cigarettes,which call resemble real cigarettes but contain no tobacco,only a vaporized form of pure nicotine that users breathe in and out.
Backers of e-cigarettes say they have great(44)__________to help hardened smokers quit or cut down,because unlike other nicotine replacement products,they closely(45)__________cigarettes,both in appearance and use.

What does it mean to obey the law? That(26)_____ where you are.Different cultures have very different views of obeying the law.In some cultures,law-abiding citizens try to keep the letter of the law.That is,whatever the law says,they do.In other cultures,good citizens live by the(27)_____ of the law.They see the law only as a general(28)_____.Often they obey the law only when someone official is looking.The situation in America fits into the first(29)_____.That doesn’t mean all Americans keep the law.But American culture teaches people to respect the law--even to the smallest detail.
Driving habits(30)_____ American respect for the law.A driver will usually stop for a red light, even when there are no other cars around.People treat the lines marking streets and roads as(31)_____ boundaries,not just decorations.Vehicles yield to those with the right of way--particularly pedestrians.Actually,though,drivers don’t always keep traffic rules.For example,many drivers(32)_____ freeway speed limits.But Americans generally drive with careful attention to the traffic rules.
Of course,not everyone in America abides by the law.Crime is a growing problem.For that reason,law enforcement officials will never(33)_____ a job.Police officers have their hands full trying to arrest lawbreakers.Detective agencies spend countless hours trying to(34)_____ unsolved crimes.Nevertheless, most Americans still like to believe that the law will(35)_____ catch the bad guys.

8、新疆位于中国西北部,是中国陆地面积的省级行政区(admi n i strat i ve region),占中国国土总面积的六分之一。新疆既是古代丝绸之路的重要通道,也是现在第二座亚欧大陆桥(EurasjaD Cont i nenta | Br i dge)的必经之地,具有十分重要的战略位置。新疆也是一个很容易让人心驰神往的地方。它拥有浩瀚的沙漠,秀丽的草原以及特殊的习俗风情和民族美食。新疆吐鲁番是葡萄的故乡。据记载,早在2000多年前,这里就开始了葡萄的种植。

9、在全球变暖的大背景下,低碳经济(| ow-carbon economy)受到越来越多国家的关注。低碳经济是以减少温室气体排放为目标,以低能耗、低污染为基础的经济发展方式。近些年来,科学界以及各国政府已基本达成一致,推行低碳经济是避免气候发生灾难性变化、保持人类可持续发展的有效方法之一。以公众的消费选择引导和鼓励企业开发低碳产品技术,向低碳生产模式转变,终达到减少全球温室气体的效果。

10、You should write a composition on the topic Digital Age.

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