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  • 第1页:练习试题

A.It is located on Route 18.
B.It has an interesting museum.
C.It is a beautiful little town.
D.It lies seven miles east of Newton.


A. She invested in stocks and shares on Wall Street.
B. She learned to write for financial newspapers.
C. She developed a strong interest in finance.
D. She tenderly looked after her sick mother


A. It'll enable them to enjoy the best medical care.
B. It'll allow them to receive free medical treatment.
C. It'll protect them from possible financial crises.
D. It'll prevent the doctors from overcharging them.

4、 Passage Two
Questions are based on the following passage.
Real.time web search—-which scours only the latest updates to services like Twitter—is currently generating quite a buzz because it can provide a glimpse of what people around the world are thinking or doing at any given moment.Interest in this kind of search is so great that,according to recent leaks,Google is considering buying Twitter.
The latest research from the interact search giant,though,suggests that real—time results could be even more powerful—they may reveal the future as well as the present.
Google researchers Hyunyoung Choi and Hal Varian combined data from Google Trends on the popularity of different search terms with models used by economists to predict trends in areas such as travel and home sales.The result? Better forecasts in A.most every case.It works because searches reveal something about people’s intentions.Google has demonstrated before that search data can predict flu outbreaks,and last week World Bank economist Erik Feyen said he could cut errors in a model that forecasts lending to the private sector by 15% using Google search data.
But real-time results could have even more predictive power:knowing what people are actually doing,not just thinking,at a particular instant gives a strong hint of the future consequences.
Johan Bollen of Losalamos National Laboratory and alberto Pepe of the University of California,Los Angeles,applied a mood rating system to the text from over 10,000 Future Me emails sent in 2006 to gauge people’s hopes,fears and predictions for the future.They found that emails directed at 2007 to 2012 were significantly more depressed in tone than messages aimed at the subsequent six years.Could they have predicted the world’s current economic slump?
Without more data,that is no more than an intriguing possibility.So Bollen plans to look at more Future Me emails,as well as Twitter messages,to search for mood swings that foreshadow other economic changes.If he finds any such links.the sanle sources might be used to try and predict future economic fluctuations.
So will our online footsteps become a central part of economic forecasting? We’ll have to wait and see——or perhaps do a quick web search.
What is real-time web search.1ike Twitter?
A.It tells us what people did in past days.
B.It generates quite a buzz in recent days.
C.It provides latest news about everything.
D.It informs what people do in the future.

5、 __________

6、For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled on Fighting Against Drunk Driving.You should include in your essay the cause of drunk driving and solutions to it.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Write your essay on Answer Sheet l.
On Fighting Against Drunk Driving

7、北京有无数的胡同(Hutong)。平民百姓在胡同里的生活给古都北京带来了无穷的魅力北京的胡同不仅仅是平民百姓的生活环境,而且还是一门建筑艺术。通常,胡同内有一个大杂(tenement yard),房间够4~lO个家庭的差不多20口人住。所以,胡同里的生活充满了友善和人情味。如今,随着社会和经济的飞速发展,很多胡同被新的高楼大厦所取代。但愿胡同可以保留下来。

8、 在中国,人们对一切艺术的艺术,即生活的艺术,懂得很多。一个较为年轻的国家可能会致力于进步;然而一个古老的文明国度,自然在人生的历程上见多识广,她所感兴趣的自然是如何过好生活。就中国而言,由于有了中国的人文主义精神,把人当作一切事物的中心,把人类幸福当作知识的终结,于是,强调生活的艺术就是更为自然的事情了。但即使没有人文主义,-个古老的文明也一定会有一个不同的价值尺度,只有这样.它才会知道仟么是“持久的生活乐趣”。任何一个民族,如果它不知道如何享受生活,那么,在我们的眼里,这个民族一定是粗野的、不文明的。

9、Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a shortessay about a course that has impressed you most in college. You shouldstate the reasons and write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

10、中国被誉为陶瓷之国,景德镇被称为陶瓷之都(the City of ceramics)。瓷器早出现于商代中晚期。距今已有八千多年的悠久历史。随着时代的发展,瓷器的用途越来越多,既可以用来盛放东西,也可以作装饰之用。多姿多彩的瓷器是中国古代的伟大发明之一。  “瓷器”与“中国”在英文中同为一词。充分说明中国瓷器的精美绝伦完全可以作为中国的代表。

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