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Rising college selectivity doesn’t mean that students are smarter and more serious than in the past. It’s a function of excess demand for higher education,occurring at a time of increased financial privatization of the industry. 
The recession has only increased demand. The vast majority of students aren't going to college because of a thirst for knowledge. They’re there because they need a job,and they need to get the credentials(证书)-and,one hopes,the knowledge and skills behind the credentials--that will get them into the labor market. 
As higher education has become a seller’s market,the institutions in a position to do so are doing what comes naturally:raising their tuitions,and their admissions requirements,but at the expense of contributing to the national goal to increase college attainment. The result is that the United States is losing ground in the international race for educational talent. 
The increasing stratification(阶层化)of higher education is happening on the spending side,as well. As the selective institutions have become more expensive and less attainable,the rest have had to struggle with the responsibility to enroll more students without being paid to do s0. Gaps between rich and poor have grown even more dramatically than gaps in entering test scores. While spending is a poor measure of educational quality,we can’t seriously expect to increase educational attainment if we're not prepared to do something to address these growing inequities in funding. 
That said,the educational policy problem in our country is not that the elite institutions are becoming more selective. The problem is on the public pokey side. The president and many governors have set a goal to return America to a position of international leadership in educational attainment. 
It’s the right goal,we just need a financing strategy to get there. That doesn’t mean just more money,although some more money will be needed. It also means better attention to effectiveness and to efficiency,and to making sure that spending goes to the places that will make a difference in educational attainment. We know how to do it,if we want to. ·

The demand for higher education has increased because __________. 
A.the number of students keeps growing
B.there is a boost in the labor market
C.of the rising college selectivity
D.of the economic depression

2、 Questionsare based on the following passage.
Soon after starting his job as supervisor of the Memphis,Tenn.,public schoois,Kriner Cash orderedan assessment of his new district’s l04,000 students.What most concerned him was that the number ofstudents considered“highly mobile,’’meaning they had moved at least once during the school year,hadballooned to34,000.At least l,500 students were homeless--probably more.It led him to think over anunusual suggestion:What if the best way to help kids in poverty-stricken urban neighborhoods is to getthem out?
Cash is now calling for Memphis to create a residential school for 300 to400 kids whose parents arein financial distress.His proposal is at the forefront(前线.of a broader national trend.Public boardingschools are hardly a new concept.But publicly financing boarding school for inner-city kids is a verydifferent suggestion.‘
If Cash’s dream becomes a reality.it will probably look a lot like SEED(School for Educational
Evolution and Development.,whose 320 students Uve on campus five days a week.
Perhaps the most provocative(引起争论的.aspect of Cash’s proposal is to focus on students in grades3 through 5.Homelessness is growing sharply among kids at that critical age,when much of theireducational foundation is set,Cash says.His ailn:to prevent illiteracy and clear other learning roadblocksearly,so the problem  “won’t migrate into middle and high school.”Students will remain on campus year-round. “It sounds very excitin9,but the devil is in the details,”says Efien Bassuk,president of theNational Center on Family Homelessness in Newton.Mass.“What’s it like to separate a third-or fifth-graderfrom their parents?”
It may help to consider the experience of SEED student Mansur Muhammad,17.when he arrivedseven years ago,the first few weeks were tough.But Muhammad hasn’t looked back.He maintains a 3.2GPA and reshelves books in the school’S library for$160 every couple of days,when he’S not in his roomnstenmg to rap or classical music and writing poetry.Insp打ed by a teacher,Muhammad is working on abook.“It was a long road for me to get here,”he says,“and I have a long way to 90.”
What did Cash intend to do with the kids in poverty-stricken urban neighborhoods to“get them out”?
A.Help them get better-0危
B.Drive them out of school.
C.Help them be academically outstandin9.
D.Put them into a special boarding school.

3、Questionsare based on the following passage.
Food waste has been a chronic problem for restaurants and grocery stores--with inillious of tons lostalong the way as crops are hauled hundreds of miles,stored for weeks in refrigerators and prepared onbusy restaurant assembly lines.But the historically high price of products is making it an even bigger dragon the bottom line.
Restaurants,colleges,hospitals and other institutions are compensating for the rising costs of waste innovel ways.Some are tracking their trash with software systems,making food in smaller packages ortrying to compost(将……制成堆肥.and cut down on trash-hauling costs.
“We have all come to work with this big elephant in the middle of the kitchen,and the elephant isthis‘It’s okay to waste’belief system,”said Andrew Shackman,president of LeanPath,a company thathelps restaurants cut back food waste.
The interest level in cutting food waste“has just skyrocketed in the last six to nine months.”he said.
Roughly 30 percent of food in the United States goes to waste,costing some$48 billion annually,according to a Stockholm International Water Institute study.A University of Arizona study estimated that40 to50 percent of food in the United States is wasted.Wholesale food costs have risen more than 8percent this year,the biggest jump in decades,according the National Restaurant Association.
Freshman students at Virginia Tech were surprised this year when they entered two of the campus’s
biggest dining halls to find there were no trays.
“You have to go back and get your dishware and your drink,but it’S not that different,”said CaltlinMewborn,a ffeshman“It’S not a big trouble.You take less food.and you don’t eat more than you should.”Getting rid of trays has cut food waste by 38 percent at the dining halls,said Denny Cochrane,manager of Virginia Tech’S sustainability program.Before the program began,students often grabbedwhatever looked good at the buffet(自助餐.,only to find at the table that their eyes were bigger thantheir stomachs,he said.
High price of products makes the problem of food waste————————————.
A.less serious
B.more urgent
C.less noticeable
D.more unsolvable

Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

A.Speed limits were the same in all areas.
B.She had told him what his speed was.
C.There were signs along the road.
D.He had just received his driving license.

5、 回答题
    With so many of the deaths each year from around the world directly related to poor health choices we make.world health leaders have set a goal of lowering the number of preventable deaths by 25%from 2010 rates by 2025.That would save 37 million lives over 15 years.Reporting in thejournal Lancet,public health experts note that the ways to prevent those deaths area’t surprising.But acting on those strategies will take individual and political will.Here’s how the experts hope to do it.
    Not smoke.The UN General Assembly set a target of cutting smoking around the world by 30%by 2025.Already,higher-income nations that already adopted smoking bans in public places and instituted tobacco taxes have seen drops in smoking rates,however,residents in lower-income nations continue to light up at high rates.
    Limit excessive drinking.While moderate amounts of alcohol have been linked to some health benefits,
overindulging can increase the risk of certain cancers and liver disease,as well as contribute to high blood pressure.Educating people about the risks of excessive drinking,as well as instituting taxes on alcoholic products,has been somewhat successful in curbing(遏制)abuse.
    Cut back on salt.High sodium (钠)diets can increase blood pressure and contribute to heart disease and stroke,and in many developed countries,people eat several times the amount the salt their bodies need.In the U.S.,the average American consumes about 800mg more salt every day than health experts consider acceptable.Promoting alternatives,such as the citric acid in lemons,to satisfy the need for salt, Call help to bring sodiunl consumption down.
    Get blood pressure under control.Lack of exercise and high sodium diets contribute to hypertension(高血压),and uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to stroke and heart disease.Monitoring blood pressure with regular screenings,and treating elevated levels with changes in diet and exercise,or medications if necessary,are the most effective ways to address this risk factor.
    Address diabetes.Closely tied to the obesity epidemic(肥胖病)that now affects developing as well as developed nations,diabetes can increase the risk of heart disease,kidney disease and other conditions that can shorten life.Studies show that lifestyle changes incorporating healthy diets low in sugar and phy’sical activity call be as effective as medications in keeping blood sugar levels in check.

What does the author mean by sayin9“acting on those strategies will take individual and political will”
(Line 4-5,para.1)?
A.Both politicians and individuals wish to put the strategies into practice.
B.Conducting those strategies needs to consider both personal and official will.
C.Carrying out those strategies needs both individual and govemmental support.
D.Either individual or government can carry out those strategies.

6、中国戏曲是中国戏剧和音乐剧的结合。其起源可追溯到3世纪。中国戏曲有很多地方剧分支。京剧是其中有名的一个。京剧出现于18世纪末,并于19世纪中期得到充分发展和认可。京剧在清朝宫廷(the Qing Dynasty court)特别受欢迎,并已被视为中国的文化珍品之一。中国戏曲会用到面具。面具的每种颜色代表不同的含义,用来表现人物角色,说明他们的情感状态和大致性格。

7、每年农历的正月十五日,春节刚过,迎来的就是中国的传统节日——元宵节(Lantern Festi vaI)。按中国民间的传统,在这天皓月高悬的夜晚,人们要点起彩灯万盏,以示庆贺。民间过元宵节还有吃元宵的习俗。元宵由糯米制成,或实心,或带馅。元宵也被称作汤圆(G| utinous Rice Ba||s,or Gatheri ng Rice Ba||s),象征全家人团团圆圆,和睦幸福,人们也以此怀念离别的亲人,寄托了对未来生活的美好愿望。

8、中国高速客运铁路。常被简称为“中国高铁”。它作为现代社会的一种新的运输方式。有着运载能力大、运输效率高、运行速度快、节能环保等特点。在运载能力和效率上,一趟列车可以运送1000多人,每隔5分钟就可以开出一趟列车;在运行速度上,目前设计时速可达350公里;在节能环保上,高速铁路是绿色交通工具,非常适应节能减排(energy-say i ng and em i ss i on-reduct;on)的要求。

9、You shouM write a letter to a company declining ajob offer.

10、You shouM write a short essay on the topic ofstudents selecting their lecturers.

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