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46、The author implies that before;the;fifth century B C,

47、Which sentence best expresses the central point of the passage?

48、根据以下材料回答第 1~4 题:
Passage Four

In 1968,five people were murdered in Northern California.The killer called himself the Zodiac.He either shot or knifed his victims.No one knew when,where,or who the Zodiac would kill next.
Paul Stine is believed to have been his final victim.Stine was a cab driver in San Fran--cisco when he was shot to death in l969.The Zodiac sent a piece of Stine’s bloody shirt to a newspaper bragging about the killin9.
The Zodiac has been compared with the recent Washington,D.C.snipers.These se-rial killers seemed to have no reaon for the murders.Victims were chosen at random.Let—ters were sent to newspapers.In the letters,the killers made fun of the police who
tried to catch them.Both the Zodiac and the D.C.sniper got thrills out of murdering and scaring people.
Arthur Allen was thought to be the Zodiac.The police never charged him.He denied
that he had done the murders.When Alien died in l992,tests were done on his body.Partof his brain tissue was tested/or DNA.His DNA Wasn’t the same as the DNA on thestamp of a letter sent by the Zodiac.The results proved that Allen had told the truth and was not the Zodiac.
Althought the killings stopped in 1969,the Zodiac wrote letters until 1947.It has been thirty--three years since the murders.Over 2500 tips have been given to the police.Most of the old detectives have retired.Kelly Carroll,a police investigator,keeps cheeking out new clues with the aid of new technology.Still no one knows if the Zodiac is dead or alive or how many people’he killed.
When the Zodiac killed,he got

49、Paul Stine was a

50、Kelly Carroll may solve the murders with the use of

51、During an autopsy, was taken from Arthur Allen.

52、根据以下材料回答第 1~4 题:
Passage Five

If you have ever been mistaken for somebody else,you can certainly sympathize with two young women from Maryland,both named Wanda Marie Johnson.
One Wanda was living and working in Washington,D.C.,when she became confus
ed with the second Wanda,a former resident of the area,whom she’d never met.Both
Wandas were born on June l5,1953,and their social security numbers are the same except for the final three digits.Amazingly,they both moved from Washington to St.George’s Grenada.
Both women drove cars of the same year and model,which really confused the eom-
put…ers at the Department of Motor Vehicles.When one of the Wandas applied for her driver’s license,she was todd she already had one and that she was required to wear glasses while driving.She spoke to four supervisors before convincing the authorities that her vision was perfect and that she really did need a hcense.She then reived two licenses instend of one.
The wandas also became confused in medical and rredit records.One of the women
was hounded for not paying a bill for furniture she had never purchasek.She couldn’t convince a skeptical debt collector that she’d never been in the store.
Newspapers finally picked up the story,and the identity confusion was brought tolight.The Wandas met to discuss solution to their bizarre predicament.One Wanda was reported to be considering using her maiden name.
Another good tide for the passage would be.

53、According to the article,all of the follwing are true about the two Wandas except that

54、The passage implies that

55、In the passage,the writer frequently uses

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