

来源:233网校 2017年2月12日
导读: 2012年成人高考高起点英语考试真题及参考答案已经公布。


Recently, some scientists decided to find out what the funniest joke in the world was. This wasclearly a (an) 21 task,as no two people ever really agree about what is funny and what is not--22 when they are from different 23 .

Telling jokes is something people often 24 around the world. 25 , jokes are sometimes not funny to or are often not 26 by people who are not part of that culture(文化).

Anyhow, 27 a year-long serious study, the scientists 28 the funniest joke in the world :Two hunters (猎人) are out in the woods. One of them 29 to the ground. He doesn' t seemto be 30 , his eyes closed. The other hunter takes out his phone and calls emergency (紧急)services. "My friend is dead!"he 31 to the man on the other side. "What can I do?"The man,in a(an) 32 voice,says," Dont' t worry. I can 33 . First, make sure he' s 34 . "There isa silence,then a shot is 35 . Bang! The hunter' s voice comes back on the line. He says," OK,now what?"

21. 请选择最佳选项( )。

A. wonderful

B. important

C. interesting

D. Difficult



22. 请选择最佳选项( )。

A. especially

B. finally

C. gradually

D. Generally



23. 请选择最佳选项( )。

A. companies

B. countries

C. families

D. Schools



24. 请选择最佳选项( )。

A. ask

B. do

C. give

D. Play


【应试指导】句法结构题。整句的意思是:讲笑话是全世界的人们常做的事情。这是一个定语从句,先行词是somethin9—do somethin9意为“做某事”。

25. 请选择最佳选项( )。

A. Thus

B. Therefore

C. However

D. Anyhow



26. 请选择最佳选项( )。

A. guessed

B. held

C. proved

D. Understood



27. 请选择最佳选项( )。

A. for

B. during

C. before

D. After



28. 请选择最佳选项( )。

A. wrote

B. touched

C. decided

D. Spread


【应试指导】推理判断题 文章第一句话提到“最近,一些科学家决定找出世界上最可笑的笑话。”这里应该是科学家最终确定了这一笑话。

29. 请选择最佳选项( )。

A. jumps

B. falls

C. points

D. Gets


【应试指导l词语搭配题。fall to the ground意为“摔倒在地”,符合文意。

30. 请选择最佳选项( )。

A. thinking

B. speaking

C. rising

D. Breathing



31. 请选择最佳选项( )。

A. cries

B. nods

C. turns

D. Waves


【应试指导】词义辨析题。cry t0向……请求;nodt0向……点头;turu t0求助于;wave to朝……挥手。这里应该是指“猎人向通话那头的人大声叫喊”,因此选A.

32. 请选择最佳选项( )。

A. anxious

B. angry

C. calm

D. Curious



33. 请选择最佳选项( )。

A. help

B. feel

C. go

D. Show



34. 请选择最佳选项( )。

A. buried

B. dead

C. hit

D. Sick



35. 请选择最佳选项( )。

A. heard

B. made

C. taken

D. Told



2017成考:2017年成人高考报名时间/入口 2017年成人高考招生简章





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