

来源:网络 2014年8月18日

1、 Give a brief explanation for the following terms(10%)

(1) Journal entry

(2) Going concern

(3) Matching principle

(4) Working capital

(5) Revenue expenditure

2. Please read the following passage carefully and fill in each of the 11 blanks with a word most appropriate to the content (10%)

(1) The double-entry system of accounting takes its name from the fact that every business transaction is recorded by (____) types of entries: 1: (_____) entries to one or more accounts and

2: credit entries to one or more accounts. In recording any transaction, the total dollar amount of the (______) entries must (_____) the total dollar amount of credit entries.

(2) Often a transaction affects revenues or expenses of two or more different periods, in these cases, an (_____) entries are needed to (_____) to each period the appropriate amounts of revenues and expenses. These entries are performed at the (_____) of each accounting period but (_____) to preparing the financial statements.

(3) Marketable securities are highly (_____) investments, primarily in share stocks and bounds, (____) can be sold (_____) quoted market prices in organized securities exchanges.

3.Translate the following Chinese statements into English (18%)

(1) 财务报表反映一个企业的财务状况和经营成果,是根据公认会计准则编制的。



(2) 审计师不保证财务报表的准确性,他们仅就财务报表的公允性发表专家意见。然而注册会计师事务所的声誉来自于他们对审计工作的一丝不苟和审计报告的可靠性。

4. Translate the following statements into Chinese (12%)

(1) Accounting principles are not like physical laws; they do not exist in nature, awaiting discovery man. Rather, they are developed by man, in light of what we consider to be the most important objectives of financial reporting. In many ways generally accepted accounting principles are similar to the rules established for an organized sport shuch as football or basketball.

(2) Accounting have devised procedures whereby the flows of cash receipts and payments are spread over a period of time in a certain way to derive income, which is representative of the economic performance of the firm for the given period. The income concept as applied in the real world involves numerous decisions and judgmenmts.

  热点:2014年注会准考证打印 通过率 考试大纲 《会计》机考题23套 《经济法》机考题17套

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