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教师资格证面试小学英语真题:Enjoying home life

来源:233网校 2021-04-30 14:04:05


教师资格证面试小学英语真题:Enjoying home life




Enjoying home life

Teaching aims

Students can recognize the words such as “boy”, “toy”, “voice”, “noise”, and pronounce the words correctly.

Students can improve the observing and listening abilities by distinguishing the similarities and differences among the 4 words and master the pronunciation rule of the letter groups “oy” and “oi”.

Students are able to communicate with their friends by using the words with the letter groups “oy” and “oi” in daily life.

Students will further cultivate their interests and be not afraid of speaking English in public.

Key and difficult points

Key point

To find the target letter groups in the words and master the correct pronunciation.

Difficult point

1. To make students pronounce the target letter groups accurately in daily communication.

2. To cultivate students’ interests and self-confidence in English study.

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greet students and remind them to wear more clothes to keep healthy.

2. Lead them to sing a tongue twister and guide them to review the pronunciation rule of the letter group “sh” and “ch”. The tongue twister is like this:

I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish,

but if you wish the wish the witch wishes,

I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.

Then ask them whether they want to learn more and lead them into today’s topic.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Read a new tongue twister called Billy Boggs and Roy. Ask them what the tongue twister is talking about.

2. Draw stick figures and ask students to guess what they are. Then explain and write down the words “boy”, “toy”, “noise” and “voice” on the blackboard. Then ask students to read after the recordings. Next, read the 4words and remind them to pay attention to the shape of the teacher’s mouth carefully in order to learn the correct pronunciation. And then observe the words to find out the similarities and differences.

3. Then make a conclusion about the pronunciation rule of the letter groups “oy” and “oi”. The letter groups “oy” and “oi” are both pronounced as /ϽІ/.

Step 3: Practice

Activity 1: Magic box

Ask students to read the words with letter groups with “oy” and “oi” that are shown on the screen and then put the words into the right box. 5 minutes will be given. Then invite some students to write the words on the blackboard and check by reading together.

Activity 2: Word family

Divided students into 6 groups and help “oy” family and “oi” family find more words with these two-letter groups. 8 minutes will be given. Finally, the group which has more words will be the winner and the losing groups should sing a song in front of the class.

Step 4: Production

Dubbing game

Play a short video clip about a movie called Zootopia. Then work in pairs. One is Judy, the other one is Nick. 10 minutes are given to them to make a dubbing. Remind them to focus on the words with target spelling rules and then invite some groups to share their performance.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: invite a student to be a little teacher and summarize today’s lesson together.

Homework: show the dubbing performance to parents. And make a mini dictionary with letter groups “oy” and “oi”. If necessary, search on the Internet and find more words.

Blackboard design略









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