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教师资格证面试小学英语真题:Holidays and days of the week

来源:233网校 2021-04-30 14:04:03


教师资格证面试小学英语真题:Holidays and days of the week




Holidays and days of the week

Teaching aims

Students can understand the content of the listening material—the exact date of the festival, such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Thanksgiving Day.

Students can master the way of describing the exact day of other holidays.

Students will develop their listening abilities to catch keywords.

Students can foster the awareness of showing their love for their parents on some special festivals and respect for national cultures.

Key and difficult points

Key point

To understand the content of the listening material about Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Thanksgiving Day.

How to describe the exact day of the holiday in their daily life.

Difficult point

To foster the awareness of showing their love to their parents on some special festivals and respect for national cultures.

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greetings.

2. Sing a song with the students:

Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells,

Jingle all the way.

Oh, what fun it is to ride,

In a one horse open sleigh.

Jingle bells, jingle bells,

Jingle all the way.

Oh, what fun it is to ride,

In a one horse open sleigh.

3. Ask students to answer the question, “Do you know what holiday this song is about?” Then tell them that the song is about Christmas Day. After that, let’s students have a free talk about their experience on Christmas Day and invite some students to share. Then lead into today’s topic naturally.

Step 2: Pre-listening

Show a short video clip of people’s celebration for Thanksgiving Day. And ask students a question, “How much do you know about Thanksgiving Day?” Then ask students to predict the main idea of the listening material according to the video.

Step 3: While-listening

1. Extensive listening

Play the tape first time and have students check the prediction and conclude the main ides.

2. Intensive listening

Play the tape again and ask students to answer the following questions:

Q1: When are Father’s Day and Mother’s Day?

Q2: When is Thanksgiving Day in America and Canada respectively?

Then lead students to fill in the chart on the blackboard.

3. Ask students to read after the tape to imitate the intonation and pronunciation.

Step 4: Post-listening

Ask students to have a discussion to introduce the holidays that they like in the group of four and encourage students to be creative. 5 minutes are given for discussion. Then invite some groups to share and explain and tell them they need to respect for national cultures

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: invite a student to be a little teacher and summarize today’s lesson. Ask students to be grateful to their parents and others.

Homework: ask students to design a calendar of Chinese traditional holidays.

Blackboard design略









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