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来源:233网校 2021-04-15 16:53:09



小学英语《What do you do on Sundays》

1.题目:What do you do on Sundays?对话教学


What do you do on Sundays1.png

What do you do on Sundays2.png








Teaching Procedure:


The teacher shows some pictures about activities and ask students to guess the activities . and asks students what they are.And then talk more about activities they can do on Sundays.

Ⅱ. while-listening

1. Create a situation: Sam and Tom are talking about their Sundays.

Let students listen to the tape for the first time and get the main idea of the dialogue.

2. Listen to the tape again and answer the following questions:

(1) What does Sam do on Sundays?(2) Where does Sam play football?(3) What does Tom do on Sundays?(4)Do they play together at last?

3. The teacher shows students the dialogue and plays the tape for the third time. Students try to follow the tape and imitate the pronunciation.


Activity 1 Ask and Answer

Show some pictures of different activities, and ask students "What do you do on Sundays?", guide students to answer with“l play basketball/football on ...."

Activity 2 Pair Work

Students work in pairs to ask each other about :what does he do on Sundays. Then the teacher invites several group to show theirself.

Activity 3 Do a Survey

five students in a group, do a survey about what they do on Sundays and find some special in classmates sunday activities. Then invite some group to show their survey and findings,. The teacher and studentschoose the best one.

Ⅳ. Summary and Homework

ask students ro summarize what they have learnt today.

let students to ask their friends or parents about their Sundays and make a list after class.


1.题目:bathroom、living room词汇教学


bathroom、 living room .dining room . kitchen .bedroom、balcony、garage、study







Teaching Procedure:



show the picture of dinosaur's home to review some topic-related words which learned before, such as bed.


1. Show some pictures of Zhang Peng ' s home and asks students where Zhang Peng is.

For instance, in the picture,Zhang Peng is watching TV. The teacher can teach "livingroom”in this way.

2.And then, the teacher guides students to read the words and students read them one by one. The teacher should remind students of the pronunciation

3. The teacher show some pictures of Chinese houses and western houses,and lead students to observe and make a comparison,so that students can have a knowledge of cultural differences.


Activity 1

The teacher shows some words on the ppt, when it presents the word,the student should stand up and speak it loudly .

Activity 2 Describe and guess

One student looks at one picture and describes it; the other student can guess the word.


Listen and draw

The teacher show a short passage about Chen Jie's house and let students draw a picture according to the passage.After that, students who draw the best and the most accurately are winners.


Students summarize what they have learnt today.


Students draw their own house and introduce it to the class next time.



1.题目Look at these photos!读写教学


Look at these photos.png








Teaching Procedure:

I. Lead-in

1. Greeting.

2. Sing a song:Are you sleeping. To review the present continuous tense.

II. Pre-reading

Show some pictures, and let students guess and make a prediction: Daming is going to the park, what is he seeing?


1. Skimming

Students read the story for the first time and get the main idea.

2. Scanning

Students read the story again and answer the following questions.

a, When the sun is shining, what are the birds doing?

b. How do the ducks look?

C. When it is starting to rain, what are the birds doing?

3. Intensive reading

Four students in a group to fill in the chart.

Look at these photos2.png

IV. Post-reading

1. Retell the story according to the photos.

2.Teacher show some other pictures and students work in groups to consider what they are doing in the pictures and make up a story.

V. Summary and Homework

Students summarize what they have learnt in this lesson . Remind students to observe the things in life around them.

To review what they have learnt after class.

Share the story with their parents.





Read. Match.

Write the number of the sentence in the box under its picture.

1. There is a dog behind the balloon.

2. There is a bug in the shoe.

3. There is a cat in front of the kite.

4. There is a frog under the ball .







Teaching Procedure:

l. Lead-in

1. Greeting.

2. Game:

Show pictures about a cat and a box, invite them to say where is the cat.let them notice the prepositions of in, on,under.

ll. Presentation

1. The teacher shows four pictures in the textbook, and invite them to answer the animals in the picture. Then let them find the difference and show the four sentences.

2. Students match the sentences with the pictures,and check the answers together.

3. The teacher leads students to pay attention to the prepositions. in. behind, in front of. under,used in the sentences. And guide students to understand their meanings according to the pictures.

4. Students read the sentences loudly following the tape to imitate its intonation and pronunciation.

lll. Practice

Activity 1

Divide them into four groups. Teacher place a book and pen in different positions, students should stand up and say the preposition. The group which is right and quickly is the winner.

Activity 2 Pair Work

Present some pictures. Students work in pairs todescribe the pictures with proper prepositions.

lV. Consolidation

Four students a group. Draw their own dreaming room and introduce it among the group members. They need to use right prepositions. The teacher invites some representatives to show and introduce their room.

V. Sumnary and Homework

Students summarize what they have learnt.

Students share the prepositions learnt today with their friends and use these prepositions to write four sentences.


1.题目:The wheel on the bus 语音教学


The wheels on the bus go round and round,Round and round. round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round.All through the town.

The people on the bus go up and down,Up and down up and down.

The people on the bus go up and down.







Teaching Procedure:

l. Lead-in

Show a video of The Wheels on the Bus. and ask them what can they see in the video.

ll. Presentation

1. The teacher show the lyrics.

2. Students read the first three lines and find out the rhythm feature with the teacher’s help. The end word round and the rhythm is[aund].

3. Students read the last four lines by themselves and try to feel the rhythm feature. Then the teacher stresses down and its rhythm[aun].

4. Students learn to sing the song following the video.

lll. Practice

1. Divide them into four groups and sing the song group by group.

2.Students have a singing competition.The one whose rhythm is the best is the winner.

lV. Consolidation

Students work in groups of five to act the song out.

V. Summary and Homework

Students summarize what they have learnt .

Students sing the song to their parents and search for another song whose rhythm is the same.


1.题日: My family


My father,

my mother,

my uncle,

my aunt.

my brother,

my sister.

and the little one is me.







My family

Teaching aims

Students can master the words “ father, mother, uncle, aunt, brother,sister ”,and can sing the chant by themselves.

Students can improve their speaking ability

Students can understand the importance of their family members.

Key and difficult points

Key points: master these words father, mother, uncle, aunt, brother, sister correctly.

Difficult points: How to sing the chant with a proper rhythm.

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greeting.

2. Show a family photo of the cartoon“Peppa Pig” and invite students to introduce peppa's family.Then, show a video about peppa which introduces her family.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Invite students to introduce peppa's family in Englishi, and teach them four new words: father, mother,brother.Then show a photo of my family for students and teach two new words: sister, aunt and uncle.

2. Ask students whether they know how to describe their family members. Then teach them

the sentence structure“This is...“He's/ She'....

3. Lead students to read the chant and be careful the intonation: we should use the rising tone in every sentence but use the falling tone in the last sentence.

Step 3: Practice

Hot potato

Students work in groups. Teacher will play mucis and students pass a box one by one. When the music stops, the student of which group gets the box should stand up and sing the chant together.

Step 4: Production

1. Set a situation: We're going to hold a family party and all students' family should take part in. Divide the students into 8 groups, and let them make a survey about the family members of their group members. After 5 minutes, invite a student to fill in the chart and share it with us

2. Think and speak

Ask students to share the most impressive things with their family.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: Invite one of the students to review what we have learned and make a


Homework: draw a family photo and write down some words to introduce them.

Blackboard design:略

1.题目: This is the way


This is the way

I wash my face,

Wash my face, ;

This is the way

I wash my face

Early in the morning.

This is the way

I brush my teeth,

Brush my teeth,

Brush my teeth.

This is the way

I brush my teeth

Early in the morming.



(2)体现导入,新授,操练等各个环节,设计合适的导入; ;



This is the way


Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greeting.

2. Share a old saying “Early bird eats worms." And then ask students what they will do after they get up.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Use some pictures to let students guess the meaning of those phrases. And then play the song to students.

3.Teacher read the song to students and try to find out the similar sound in the chant.

Let students pay attention to the last word of each sentences. Discuss with deskmate to underline the words: "way" and face". And then tell students that the similar sound is“/ei/”in the lines, which can let us sing more rhythmically. And invite students to repeat after the teacher.

4. Inspire students to read the second part of the song and try to find out the pause in the

lyrics. Then conclude that the pause often enhances the heat of the song and between diferent short sentences.

Step 3: Practice

1. Play a tape and let students find the sound /ei/.

2.Play cards. Teacher holds some card in hand and invite students to speak and pat.

Step 4: Production

Ask students to use more words and make a chant about their school 1ife. The teacher gives

an example first. After 2 minutes, the teacher invites some students to share and give positive feedback. Meanwhile, emphasize the pronunciation of the words.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: invite a student to summarize what have learnt today.

Homework: ask students to make a plan for their school 1ife and share the next class.

Blackboard design:略

1题日: Say the rhyme


An elephant can walk, walk walk walk

A frog can jump, jump jump jump

A fish can swim, swim swim swim

An egg can roll, roll roll roll







Teaching procedures

Step 1: Lead-in

1. Greeting.

2. Show some pictures about elephant , frog, fish, and invite students to tell their name. Then ask them if they know what can these animals do.

Step 2: Presentation

Teacher teach new words walk, jump, swim and roll by doing actions.

Show the video of the chant in textbook and ask students what they see and hear to teach

the sentence with“can”. Then tell them they can use sentences with“can" to talk about abilities.

Play the video again and ask students to imitate the rhyme and intonation of this chant.

Step 3: Practice

Teacher say the words and studnets do actions. When the teacher says words, the students should do the action accordingly.

Students work in groups and each group make as many sentences as they can using the words on the blackboard and the sentence with“can" 5 minutes will be given, which group makes the most sentences wins.

Step 4: Production

Ask students make up a new chant with the words on the blackboard and the sentence with“can". After that, each group will be invited to share their new chant.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: summarize today' s lesson with the students together.

Homework: share the chant they learned and the new chant they made up with their family.

Blackboard design略

1.题目: What's the matter?


A: Hello, this is Yang Ling speaking.

B: Hi, Yang Ling. This is Su Hai. How are you?

A: Not so good.

B: What's the matter?

A: I have a cough and a headache.

B: I'm sorry to hear that. Can I come to see you after school?

A: OK. Thank you, Su Hai.

B: Take care, Yang Ling. See you soon.

A: See you, Su Hai.








Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greeting.

2. Sing a song:fly,fly,butterfly

Step 2: Pre-listening

Teacher can do actions of“have a cough",“have a headache" and let students guess the meaning. And ask some students to predict the conversation.

Step 3: While-listening

1. Extensive listening

Read the dialogue for students, and ask them to find what they are they talking about. Then invite one student to share his/ her answer.

Next, inspire students to think about which sentence patterns we can use to ask others' feeling and healthy status. Then write down new sentence patterns“How are you?"“What's the matter?" and lead students to read.

2. Intensive listening

Play the tape again. Encourage students to listen carefully and get the right order of 9 sentences to And then answer the following questions.

What is the matter with Yang Ling?

What is Su Hai going to do after school?

3. Ask students to read the dialogue aloud after tape.

Step 4: Post-listening

1. Role play

Two students in a group. They should act these situation out. Teacher can choose the best performers.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary. Invite one student to summary what have learnt today.

Homework Search on the internet or ask their parents about ways of keeping healthy to

make a poster.

Blackboard design略









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