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来源:233网校 2021-04-21 10:32:08








Student: Hi guys! I'm doing some research on why people use the Internet! I need your help. Let me know what you think about the Internet and for what purposes you use it. Please send your views to www.website. com Looking forward to receiving your replies.

Response: I use the Internet to find information for assignment. and to keep up-to-date with events happening around the world. I think finding information on the Net is more convenient than searching for books in a library. The Internet also helps me keep contact with my friends. We chat on the Net and send e-mail to each other. With the Net I think we're closer and the world becomes smaller. I like the Net.






(5)试讲时间: 10分钟。

参考解析:Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Say“Nice to see you again" with students and ask“What did you do on Sunday?"

2. Share some cyber words on the PowerPoint and invite students to guess what these expressions mean, for example,“beat a call"; awkward chat",“Where is your conscience?";“My heart was pricked, Laotie”and“Oily". Students can guess the intentions of these phrases and expressions according to their life experience, while some may not. The teacher will supplement that the“awkward chat" refers to inevitable and boring chats with someone.“Oily" is used to describe middle-aged men who are rude, sloppy, and out of shape. It's not hard to see that the Internet has made our life colorful and interesting. Then, 1ead into today s topic. Internet.

Step 2: Pre-writing

1 Read the passage for students and they can catch what it is about. Check the answers with

students一the interaction between a student and a interviewee the use of the Internet. Later,

introduce the topic of writing: rewrite the article.

2. Students will read the passage for the second time within 5 minutes to find out the use of

the Internet. The key points are. find information; keep up-to-date with events; keep contact with


3. Guide students to brainstorm what we should focus on to rewrite the interaction Students

can work in groups of four to activate their minds to find the clues. After that, invite some

volunteers to share what they have found, for example: The first person should be changed to the

third person; The third person singular verb form should be used here; It's better to use the

complex sentence in this rewriting part. Set an example for them: The student says he/ she is doing

some research on why people use the Internet.

Step 3: While-writing

Guide students to rewrite the interaction about the use of the Internet according to the

previous collection. The passage includes at 1east 120 words. 15 minutes is given. While writing.

students should pay attention to accurate spelling, various expressions, and the person.

Step 4: Post-writing

Ask students to exchange their passages with deskmates and check the grammar, spelling. etc.

Then revise the passage within 8 minutes. Invite some representatives of the groups to share their

articles and give some positive and inspiring feedback.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: invite a student to review the requirements of rewriting. Remind students to use

the Internet properly and rationally.

Homework: ask students to search for the advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet

after class, and share next time.





When l grow up,l’m going to do what l want to do.l'm going to move somewhere interesting. Paris sounds like a city that l could enjoy.There are lots of art exhibitions there.l want to be an artist. So how am l going to do it?First,l'm going to find a part-time job for a year or two andsave some money. Then l' m going to be a student at anart school in Paris.And l' m going to study French at thesame time. Next, I' m going to hold art exhibitions becausel want to travel all over the world. One day,l' m going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful.


( 1)朗读所给段落;






Teaching Procedure:


Free talk.

show some pictures about career and ask students about their future plans, including career and life.

2. Pre-listening

Present students some pictures about Paris. Ask students what they think about this city and whether they want to go there in the future. Invite several students to guess what does the listening material about.

3. While-listening

①.Play the record for students.Students try to summarize what the passage is about.

② Listen again and ask students to answer the following questions.

(1) What does the author want to be?

(2)what will he do to achicve his/her goal?

(3) Where is he/she going after retirement?


1. Students work in groups to talk about their future plans.

2.Students write a passage named"My future plan”and the teacher invites several students to share their plans in front of the class.

5.Summary and Homework

Students summarize what they have learnt today.

Students polish their passage and improve their speech after class. Invite some students to show in front ofthe class.




Mozi was another teacher who was very influential.

Born in 476 BC, he came from a family which was very poor. He became famous, for his unusual clothes and behavior. Mozi founded the philosophy called Mohism. In

some ways, his beliefs were similar to those of Confucius. For example, he considered that government was most important. As a result, he spent many years trying to find a state where people would follow his teachings. Mozi believed that all men were equal. His idea of love was different from the Confucian idea of kindness. Mozi taught that we should love all human beings and look after those who are weaker than ourselves. He hated the idea of war.

Mozi died in 390 BC.






(5)试讲时间: 10分钟。


Teaching Procedure:

一. Lead-in

1. Show a picture of Confucius, and ask students who he is and talk about the information they know about Confucius.

2.Ask Students what other great teachers they know. Then the teacher leads in today' S topic, Mozi.

二. Pre-writing

1.Play the tape of the passage about Mozi, let students know the main idea.

2. Students read the passage themselves. Find out what aspects are referred to in the passage.

3. The teacher guides the students to review the writing knowledge they have learnt before, and the essentials of a narration of introducing person , including name, birthday, family conditions, experiences and achievements etc.


1. Four students a group and each group chooses a person. Students share the basic information they know about the person.

2. Students make an outline for the narration introducing the person.

3. Students write a passage to introduce the person they like.The teacher should give some instructions.

四. Post-writing

1. Students check their passages by themselves first.

2. Students exchange their passages with deskmate. They need to pay attention to grammar, punctuation, spelling and so on.

3. Each group chooses the best one and show it in class.

4. Teacher concludes common problems among students.

五. Summary

Students summarize what they have learnt in this lesson.

六. Homework

Choose another person and write another passage to introduce him/her.





'Fishing nets in the 'sea shave be'come a 'serious problem. They may be 'many kilometers 'long with 'plastic balls to 'keep them floating on the 'water, and 'weights to 'hold them 'down on the 'seabed. Un'fortunately, the 'plastic nets are im'possible to 'see underwater. So the term to de'scribe them is" a 'wall of 'death





(4)试讲时间: 10 分钟;

(5) 用英文试讲。


Teaching Procedure:

I. Lead-in

Play a video about sea pollution, and ask students about their feelings after watch the video.

II. Presentation

1, Students read the passage and find out what the passage is about. and answer the following questions.

Which aspect of sea pollution is mentioned in the passage?

What do people call these fishing nets?

2. Play the tape of the passage. Students listen carefully and find the stress in the passage. Then ark the stresses in the passage according to the tape.

3. The teacher check the stresses of the passage. Then, the teacher asks students to discuss the meaning and function of these stresses and find out what kinds of words are stressed.

4. The teacher summarizes the function of stresses and words in the passage.

5. Students read the short passage again with the correct stresses.

Ⅲ. Practice

Present another passage and students work in pairs to read the passage with proper stresses.

IV. Consolidation

1. Students work in groups of four to discuss one of the environmental issues and take down some notes while discussing.

2 Students write a passage according to the discussion.

3. Students mark the stresses in their passage and read it to their group members. The teacher chooses severalstudents to read in front.


Students summarize what they have learnt in this lesson.

VI. Homework

Students search the Internet for more information about the environmental issue,and put forward some suggestions





At 3:42 a. m. everything began to shake.' It seemed as if the world was at an end! Eleven kilometers directly below the city, the greatest earthquake, of the 20th century had begun. It was felt in Beijing, which is more than two hundred kilometers away. One -third of the nation felt ; it A huge crack that was eight ki lometers dong and thirty meters wide cut across houses, roads and canals. Steam burst from ho les in the ground. Hard hills of rock became rivers of dirt. In fifteen terrible seconds alarge city lay in ruins. The suffer ing of the peop le was extreme. Two-thi rds of them died or were injured dur ing the ear thquake. Thousands of fami lies were killed and many chi Idren were left without parents. The number of people who were killed or in jured reached more than400,000.






(5)试讲时间: 10 分钟。


Teaching procedures:

I. Lead in

Play a video about the Sichuan earthquake in 2008 and invites students to express their



1. Show students the passage about earthquake.Students read and answer the following questions.

(1) When did the earthquake happen?

(2) How long did the city turn into ruins?

(3) What terrible results did the earthquake cause?

2. Read the passage again and three in a group. The teacher stresses the three phrases in the passage and asks students to guess what these phrases mean.

4. The teacher explains their meanings by expIanation and paraphrasing.

Ⅲ. Practice

1. Students make sentences by using the three phrases.

2, Try to find synonymous and antonymous words of these phrases.

Ⅳ Summary

Student summarize what have learnt today.


1. Finish the exercises on the book.

2.Find more informations about the sichuan earthquake and write your feelings down.





William Wilberforce was a great man.

He is known to have spent eighteen years fighting for slaves. To free slaves was his ambition. He was a very kind man who did not like to see people going hungry or in pain. He wanted to do some good in the world. The cause which attracted him most was the abortion of the slave trade.






(5)试讲时间: 10 分钟。


Teaching Procedure:


Play a video about the the black slave trade. Ask students to express their feelings.

Il Presentation

1. Show students the passage about William Wilberforce, and students should answer the questions.

(1) How many years did William Wilberforce spend to fight for slaves?

(2) What kind of person is he?

(3) What attracted him most?

2. Students read the passage again. The teacher underlines the pronouns in the passage and asks students to figure out what these pronouns represent.

3 Students in groups discuss the function of these pronouns.

4. The teacher introduces the usage and function of personal : reference in cohesion according to students conclusion.

Ⅲ. Practice

The teacher shows another passage. Students work in pairs to change some nouns. in the passage into proper pronouns,

IV. Production

Show pictures of story in 1001night,and students work in pairs to write the story with those proper pronouns.

V. Summary

Students summarize what they have learnt in this lesson.

VI. Homework

Students write a short passage about their travel experiences and try to use some proper personal references.




Woman: Good momning. Can I help you?

Man: Yes, I have a booking in the name of Jones.

Woman: OK, just a moment. Right, Mr Jones, it's for two nights, isn't it?

Man: That's right. And could I have...





(5)试讲时间: 10 分钟。


Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greeting.

2.Sing a song: Be what you wanna be. After sing this song, ask students to look at the lyrics.

Ask students the question:“Which kind of profession did you hear in this song?" and“What's

your dream job?" .

Step 2: Pre-listening

1. Show some pictures of different jobs and organize students to guess “what are they”. So we can get various jobs.

2. Show students a picture about one woman and a man who are talking on the phone. Let

students guess what their jobs are.

Step 3: While-listening

1. Teacher plays the tape, then let students check the answer of the question in prediction part. So we can get the woman is a hotel receptionist.

2. Play the tape again and answer the questions.

(1) Which name did the man use when booking the room?

(2) How many nights will he live in this hotel?

3. Let students follow the tape and imitate the dialogue.

Step 4: Post-listening

Divide students into many groups and guide students to predict what will happen next.

And they should make a dialogue according to their ideas. 8 minutes later, each group will be invited to share their dialogues.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: invite a student to summarize today's lesson.

Homework: ask students to search more information about their dream job and share with classmates next class.

Blackboard design:略



I remember a temple outside Beijing as one of the most beautiful buildings I have ever visited. Being set among many lovely trees, the Buddhist temple is calm and peaceful. Its walls, having been decorated by red paint, appear more attractive. Placed inside the rooms, status of Gods seem to guard the large sleeping Buddha. Believers of Buddhism still come here nowadays for their religious services. Having rested there for several hours, I felt refreshed and ready to go back to Bejjing.






(5)试讲时间: 10 分钟。


Teaching procedures

Step 1: Pre-speaking


Show some pictures historical buildings in China, and ask students to discuss their impression about these places.

Step 2: While speaking

1 Ask students to read the passage for the first time and ask students to answer the following questions:

Q1: What's the main idea of the passage?

Q2: What's the decoration of the temple?

2. Ask students to read the passage for the second time. Students work in pairs. They should explain the sentence structure and translate them.

3. Students complete the chart on the blackboard to collect the information of the place

that they want to introduce.

Step 3: Post-speaking

Students work in pairs, and imagine they are a tour guide introducing a place to tourists.

They can use the expression and sentence structure they have learned to express their places.

Step 4: Summary and Homework

Summary: invite a student to summarize today's lesson.

Homework: ask students to write a short passage about their favourite place.

Blackboard design:略







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